Need advice


Active Member
Ok first off I know this is off topic but if you don't have anything helpful than f off please :)

Anyways... I live in NC and am flying to Michigan to visit my fam here in a week... I have ten "rolls" in form of powder... i need to take them with me at all costs... could i put the powder in say a bottle full of capsules. Like empty some capsules of some homeopathic shit and put the molly in them... put them in my bathroom bag. put that inside of my big bag... (not carry on) please let me know what you think of this idea!!

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
im bringing it home for a friend of mine.. i stick to weed mostly...
Better be a good friend. Ask yourself this. "do I want to go to butt slamming prison?" If you answer no then you might want to reconsider. Just my 2cents.

Oh, I just reread your post... I'll fuck off now... :)


Active Member
only problem with this forum is its filled with smart ass dickheads... why cant everyone just help each other?
hence the reason i said that in first post :)

anyways..will someone please just tell me if my idea will work please..


Well-Known Member
that would totally work. a good idea would be to keep them in your carryon though. say it's vitamins or a prescription or something. don't let those valuables out of your sight!


Active Member
well like i said... inside the pills inside the bottle inside the bag in between the clothes inside another bag..... as long as things are air tight... the only thing the dogs can smell is the residue on the OUTSIDE from people not washing things off... pack air tight, then clean shit off, skate...

EDIT: damn i sound like a trafficker!! haha


Well-Known Member
they might x-ray your shit. there's no human detectable smell and the volume is small. keep it on your person.


Active Member
however... if they xray my shit... it will come up as a bunch of capsules in a bottle with powder in them... only 4 or so will be full of molly.... they wont be able to tell the difference between ecstasy and sayyyy...creatine... through xray when the container is a bottle of some 100 of the same looking capsule... and how many people need to take pills with them across the country while traveling? I would say a shit load...