Need an opinion on seeds


Active Member
This is my first time doing an outdoor grow, so forgive my if my questions are a little newbish...

The kind of climate that I will be growing in is mainly warm and humid in the summer (think extreme Northeastern US), although it is uncommon for the evening temperature to be around 45. I have not found a spot yet so I am going under the assumption that space will be limited. What is a good strain to plant for these kind of conditions?

Also, where is a good place to get seeds online (preferably based in the US?)

Finally, where would be a reliable resource to grow weed outdoors in the above described climate? (I have read the basics, but now I want to adapt given the climate and short summer)

Much appreciated and happy growing!


Active Member
I checked out BC Seed King the other day..,prices are very nice...$50 for basically 25 seeds and shipping.

It's always customs I gotta worry about hoping they dont pick off my package! lol


Well-Known Member
Yea there are no US based seedbanks, but those from Canada and the UK work fine. I just ordered from personally. My first grow outdoors is going to be this summer, and I'm in similar conditions to you (I'm in New England, I'm guessing you're farther North than me). I chose Early Misty (from Nirvana) because it stays small, has short flowering time (7 weeks), and can withstand lower temps, pests, and all the other bs that you might encounter outdoors. As for a resource...I dunno...the cannabis grow bible is always good, but not specific for our climate.