Need Cloning Expert.................. CLoning in 12/12 work?


Active Member
Hey I was wondering if it is possible to run an aero cloner in under 12/12 and get clones to still root without the 18hours of light or 24.

I would assume the plant would bud out while rooting too which might be stupid....


Well-Known Member
the clone needs roots if you want it to can only do 1 at a time grow roots then only takes a week or 2...


Well-Known Member
you can get roots under 12/12. a light fell on this and I stuck it the cloner in the flower room. had roots in a week and it finished about 3 weeks after the mom. 2009 contest 005.jpgView attachment 942660 ATTACH]942660[/ATTACH] After roots start you would want to move to more light if you don't want it to start flowering. this one had bud so
I let it finish in the flower room.


Well-Known Member
Yep you can definetly root in 12/12. I I was rooting in less than that outdoors in my greenhouse last december (more like a 9/15 scedual). So yes it does work.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it take a little longer? Just because it isn't receiving much light and there are no roots so there is no need to let it respire (aka turning the lights off)?


Well-Known Member
yep they will take a little longer. they stayed real small untill about march and then they took off. Now I got a few 3 foot bushes that I used for practice to learn supper cropping and LST'ing. Gonna put them in the ground in about a week and let those fuckers rip! Settin up a nice scrog for these ladies, not sure how thats going to work out since these plants are pretty big already. It wouldn't hurt I guess.


Active Member
thanks for all the replies!

What the scoop on a male that has pistols poking out all over inside the pollen clusters?? Any good to make fem seeds?


Active Member
Cloning in 12/12 will eventually work but there are few things you might want to consider:

- timing - it will take longer to root because even without roots if the cutting is exposed to 12/12 it will trigger flowering hormones. I've experimented with this and cuttings that usually took 1~2 weeks to root almost took 4 weeks. And once it did root I ran into the next issue...

- size - the cuttings actually went through a small flowering cycle and when it eventually rooted i was forced to let it continue flowering and size and yield of clone was DRASTICALLY crushed (less than a foot and about 2 gms of terrible smoke). It was not good smoke for the time and effort. At this point you can re-veg it but consider the 2~3 weeks it takes for the cutting to revert back from flowering to veg (...and not including veg time).

So if you are on a schedule this is probably not an efficient way of cloning...not to say it is not possible ....just saying the time and effort might not be worth the final product you harvest. You can clone more efficiently creating a small clone box with a rubbermaid container and a couple of CFL bulbs.


Well-Known Member
You should try in 12/12 I had roots in a week. But if your going to veg you need more light anyway.


Active Member
Yeah the clone will be put under a different source soon, but for the time being we can only get it in the sexing room. maybe we can set up another thing with a few cfls though, I would like to experiment with just flowering out one while its rooting in the aero tho too!

Either way thanks for all the input and advice homies!


Well-Known Member
I had a hell of a time with root rot in the cloner. fought it the whole time. I try to get them out of the cloner as soon as the roots are ready.


Active Member
Thanks once again broski! I hope we have no problems. Say can you explain to me where the best place is too make the actual cut for doing a clone?

I know the bottom of the plant..... but do I want to cut under a node or right above it?