Need help asap i think this clinic is trying to jack me

2013 will be the year that California prices rise sharply when the new Republican President Mittens Romney shuts everything marijuana related down immediately.....................
Your neighbor, the detective, is OFF DUTY when he gets home. Many police officers do not work without pay.

While true, the detective is still held by the police departments standard of arresting any law breakers regardless of on duty or off duty. The office just doesnt have to go around looking for problems, but if they see it, they are usually required to help, on or off duty.............
2013 will be the year that California prices rise sharply when the new Republican President Mittens Romney shuts everything marijuana related down immediately.....................

IMO 2012 will be the year of the BHO dab and that more than anything else will fuck up mmj in the end. When the bible thumpers wise up to what this stuff is, we are all going to be in a world of hurt. They're going to lay the smack down on 215.
After reading further into this, I have seen numerous situations here in Northern Cali where people ARE arrested for stealing somebodys weed.
first i said if a club steals from a vendor yes hell yes call the cops as for my illegal activity under California state law i can grow and posses marijuana for medical use not to sell it its for me only.
and p.s. as my neighbor says at least three times a day there's more important things out there then weed so unless your selling illegally or your not following weed regulations then yes you have something to hide, me a drive all day with weed no worries it's my medicine.

"me and my cop buddies" lol he's my neighbor it stops there i see him when i come home and when i wash my car that's about it

Your medical marijuana card does not give you free roam to do whatever the fuck you want concerning weed even if it is all legal, just like it's not actually legal to say whatever you want to a police officer when you get pulled over. Its called common sense. And if you don't like the people that grow larger amounts and feel not everyone following exact regulations is a law breaking criminal, you are biting the hand that feeds you since without them there would have never been any initial support or funding for medical marijuana and to keep this thing going ever since the mid 90s. If they weren't around to make a real impact on the community perspective and the funding towards, well everything, your neighbor would be picking on you just for having three little plants or whatever it is you have. So bitch all you want but its fucking ridiculous, you have something to hide from the federal government, so no, in fact, there is some worry somewhere
It amazes me how easily suggesting calling the police rolls off your tounge. It's very clear what you would do should you be placed in a sittuation where you're being pressured to give up someone else's freedom to save your own. If you would call the police over a couple thousand bucks, you would definately cooperate with them to avoid jail time. I avoid negative posts like Ebola, but I cannot here. You disgust me, sir. I cannot believe that there's not a flood of people lining up to tell you the same thing. I spent almost 5 years of my life in Prison because someone just like you was stupid enough to get caught, but couldn't do the time on his own. So, he sold me up the river to save his own ass. 90% of the drug cases in the Fed Pen are there because of rats. Stop ratting and empty the jails. All I was doing was growing weed. One bedroom. 2 lights. Unfortunately, I had just taken clones, so my plant total was over 100. I urge you to not do any business with other growers, as you do not posses the integrity needed to do so.

Very well stated Mr. Collective Gardner. Always like what you write and tend to always agree with you...
Anyway, some are missing some important facts. You CAN and should sue the guy in Small Claims Court. I recently (Oct. 2011) got royally Fucked by a "Collective" based in San Diego but operating in several locations throughout California. They operate a web site " I ordered and paid for a $hitload of clones to get my medium sized grow off the ground. I had spent 3 months building my operations and couldn't wait for my own clones so I found this business online and was impressed with the information on there, their appearance of "professionalism" and the ability to provide a lot of varieties as well as the quantities I needed. They have a ton of positive comments. Well they got me real good. Paid them over $800 through Intuit payment center (don't EVER use Intuit; like Western Union, no protections) and was supposed to get "delivery" the next day. It came and went and I got nothing. They don't respond to e-mail very well. I sent many (+20) and got 2 back. They said I did receive the order, would provide proof of delivery. No proof (they'd have to fabricate) and so on. Been bantering with them ever since. Guy even bought a website with MY OWN PERSONAL NAME as the Domain. He is bashing me and publically wrote that I am "a very large Drug Dealer is San Jose, and that my legitimate business's (+37 years, 1,000-nds of happy customers too) are actually fronts for my drug dealings. Imagine! I have a great Libel case but will need to find an attorney to take and file my case for no $'s now, but get a larger cut in the awards. Meanwhile, I am suing this A$$hole for the $836.14 paid to him and contracturally broken due to non-performance of that contract by not providing any form of goods and/or services. Gotta' stop this dick from further abuse to the MMJ community. I wonder if he thinks he isn't a "drug dealer" because he IS...
2013 will be the year that California prices rise sharply when the new Republican President Mittens Romney shuts everything marijuana related down immediately.....................

Yes, indeed; but what about 12-21-12? That's the year we get 35% THC with .01 CBD's!
Very well stated Mr. Collective Gardner. Always like what you write and tend to always agree with you...
Anyway, some are missing some important facts. You CAN and should sue the guy in Small Claims Court. I recently (Oct. 2011) got royally Fucked by a "Collective" based in San Diego but operating in several locations throughout California. They operate a web site " I ordered and paid for a $hitload of clones to get my medium sized grow off the ground. I had spent 3 months building my operations and couldn't wait for my own clones so I found this business online and was impressed with the information on there, their appearance of "professionalism" and the ability to provide a lot of varieties as well as the quantities I needed. They have a ton of positive comments. Well they got me real good. Paid them over $800 through Intuit payment center (don't EVER use Intuit; like Western Union, no protections) and was supposed to get "delivery" the next day. It came and went and I got nothing. They don't respond to e-mail very well. I sent many (+20) and got 2 back. They said I did receive the order, would provide proof of delivery. No proof (they'd have to fabricate) and so on. Been bantering with them ever since. Guy even bought a website with MY OWN PERSONAL NAME as the Domain. He is bashing me and publically wrote that I am "a very large Drug Dealer is San Jose, and that my legitimate business's (+37 years, 1,000-nds of happy customers too) are actually fronts for my drug dealings. Imagine! I have a great Libel case but will need to find an attorney to take and file my case for no $'s now, but get a larger cut in the awards. Meanwhile, I am suing this A$$hole for the $836.14 paid to him and contracturally broken due to non-performance of that contract by not providing any form of goods and/or services. Gotta' stop this dick from further abuse to the MMJ community. I wonder if he thinks he isn't a "drug dealer" because he IS...

You should win your case. Although you can't bring lawyers into small claims court its cheap, it will cost you 60.00 to file your case. All you need to win is 51% evidence showing that this prick owe's you money. Start writing demand letters, make sure they have to sign for the letters. Make follow up phone calls after he receives the letters, See if you can contact anyone else has been robbed by him, Pull reviews from the internet, write down detailed interactions.

I am new to vending and the FIRST time I did it I left it on consignment like a dumb ass. I was robbed by a guy named David Vayntrub that owns a collective called Absolute Herbal Pain Solutions. Someone on this site actually contacted me stating the same thing had happened to him. We got together and both filed SC-100 (small claim court papers) against him. We both served as witnesses for each other. It worked out great, we both won our cases against him. My case was just decided on Feb 17th. He owe's me 3,000.00 He has 30 days to appeal which he probably will, but in the end he'll still lose. After the appeal time is up I am really going to turn the heat up by filing a "Statement of Assets" , "Order of examination" "Writ of execution" or possibly even a "abstract of judgement" ..

If you need any help just let me know, You have 2 years from the date this happened to file a SC-100. (small claims court paper work)
I get medical MJ for $340 and some dank bud for $310 maybe $270 at times. Either way the medical MJ I get from my main supplyer is some top line shit just sometimes dosen't have no names. But I recently just picked up an Ounce of Blueberry Haze for $340 and I smoked 9 grams and sold 20 ended up making $420. Thats $80 profit, and got to smoke for free for a day's effort