need help cloning?


Active Member
but there in water cups do i still need anything over them?

If you have a clear plastic cup over them your fine. Just did 5 girls same way took root no problem only watered once in two week after origanal watering once transplanted. And all five have roots and are doing fine after just two weeks.

Now if you have them planted in plastic cups and your asking do you still need something over them, then the answer is yes. I would buy the clear plastic cups and place them over your clones to keep in moisture. I would keep the cups over them for at least a week. If cups are too small as they look they might be then I would buy a dome like the guy before said


Active Member
yep your in there now buddy. that should def. get the job done for ya. I'd keep it on em for a week. checking them everyday to make sure everything fine and soil doesn't dry out. give em some superthrive if you use it.


Active Member
there actually not in soil, there in water cups
Could i recommend a couple diff. methods that you might have a little more success.

the first if your trying to root them for hydro I would get a small bucket with lid. i would drill 3/8 to 1/2 inch hole around the center of the lid. then I would get a airpump and airstone. I would fill the bucket with rainwater and superthrive, or what ever you have available for a little bit of nutes. LITTLE BIT! I would fill the bucket till the water is 1 inch above the end of the clone. then put your air stone beneth your clone stems so that the bubbles hit the clones. once this is done put the soda bottles on top.

the second you could use rooting get and dip the end of your clone in it. put in favorable soil. water with rain water and lite nutes. place clear bottle on top and call it good.

these are my two ways of cloning depending on what type of med. i chose to use. If using soil. Clone in soil, if doing hydro clone in water bucket with airpump and stone.


Drooping can be normal, I normally use Rock-wool but I have used Rapid Rooter plugs before; both work well. They definitely will not show rooting within 2 days. I don't think I have ever had a clone take less than a week.


Active Member
okay can some one please give me some advice on cloning using flouresents, i really think it would be better cause there might be to much lighs on the window , plus they are flowering, would it be better to run the flouro 16 hours and push them back to veg or what?


Cut, root hormone dip, in to cup with tapwater and bubble stone, no lost clones yet. regards,

I used an air stone in a 5 gal bucket with just water. I put a plastic dome over my plants. The humidity from the bubbles in the bucket provide the leaves with water in the dome.

To prepare my clone I have at least 2 nodes cut from the stem and one set of new growth on top. I strip the lowest part of the stem of it's outer layer of bark. The plant is then dipped in Rapid Root liquid based rooting solution for 15 minutes. After the soaking has happened, I simply put the stem in the holes. Within 4-7 days I have fully rooted clones.

this is what my set looks like, 100% success rate





Active Member
I used an air stone in a 5 gal bucket with just water. I put a plastic dome over my plants. The humidity from the bubbles in the bucket provide the leaves with water in the dome.

To prepare my clone I have at least 2 nodes cut from the stem and one set of new growth on top. I strip the lowest part of the stem of it's outer layer of bark. The plant is then dipped in Rapid Root liquid based rooting solution for 15 minutes. After the soaking has happened, I simply put the stem in the holes. Within 4-7 days I have fully rooted clones.

this is what my set looks like, 100% success rate

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wow, did you buy that bucket or make it?


wow, did you buy that bucket or make it?
I bought a 5 gallon bucket form home depot, with the lid. I bought an air pump from Petco, this air pump comes with tubing and air stones. I bought a larger and heavier air stone at the local hydro store, the small ones tend to float. A small hole was drilled on the side of the top of the bucket to feed tubing from the pump to the air stone in the water. I covered the top of the bucket with thick plastic, the less light reaching the water the better. I drilled 1/2" holes in the lid of the bucket and poked holes in the plastic according to the holes in the lid. The plastic helps keep the plants in with a tight seal around the stem. The plastic also makes it easy to remove all of the clones safely without damaging roots.


Well-Known Member
rapid rooters... no need for bubblers/aero a 1$ humidity dome and some hormones. haven't really had it fail yet. I even ditched my Ez cloner.


rapid rooters... no need for bubblers/aero a 1$ humidity dome and some hormones. haven't really had it fail yet. I even ditched my Ez cloner.
I worked for a cloning company for two year, we used rapid rooters. The results are not as great as what I get from my bubbleponic cloner


Active Member

what im doing is puting them on the windowcill till night then im putting them under the fluroescent , 16/8 altogether,

is this okay? ,

and the little ones not looking to good. anything i can do?

(ps. that fucking ass)


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what im doing is puting them on the windowcill till night then im putting them under the fluroescent , 16/8 altogether,

is this okay? ,

and the little ones not looking to good. anything i can do?

(ps. that fucking ass)

Adding nutrients to your water is important. You want to spray your plants with the water/nutrient solution. Keep the plastic dome humid, though there should be a few holes poked. Air circulation is important to prevent rot/mold. You can still save them, I do sugget investing 40 dollars on the system I made for myself. It is the most accurate I have used and the most efficient and you wont have to kill any plants :) The plants would be better off staying under 24 hours of light. Plants use the nighttime to put their nutrients back into the roots for root growth. You have no roots, meaning they have no need for night.