Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?


Well-Known Member
i will be lifting it up some today. the light is in a fixed position in my veg area atm. so i have to boost up the plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, Hows everyone this fine sunday. Dad and I think we have signs of my Sex in the last few days. Ive been showing what dad thinks was a sign of pistil formations. these 2 pics were taken on Friday same time the pics dad posted above were taken.

look very close at the point were my stems attatch to my main stalk. see the pistil formation?

these 2 were just taken a few minutes ago.

you can clearly see them in the top pic, and the tops just pulling away in the bottom pic.
We are confident that I am a female now. just thought we would share the new with you all. Dad says this is good news, as we now know how to move forward atleast in one part. next would be me giving dad a couple clones to continue with for testing. one to grow out for samples, and one for genetic testing.

thought we would get your opinions.


Well-Known Member
ah i found what i though were pistils were Stipules. no sexing yet.

will get a few pics up in a bit.


Well-Known Member
couple pics of me from about 8pm thursday night.

I am about 33/34 days from grounding right now.


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU. Dad got home early so we ofcourse, got a couple pics. im feeling great under my light, but Dad says hes going to get me back under a 400w chm. just need to wait a few weeks until he can swing it.

im about 40 days from sprout today.


Well-Known Member
i may have missed this, but are you in 12/12 now? if so when did you start. im real eager to see the bud this thing puts out.... like growing a time machine


Well-Known Member
no Insomnia, Im still in Veg lighting ( 16/8 ) until dad gets a couple cuts and gets them some growth, then they ll go to bloom lighting (12/12) to grow out my cuts for testing.
hey, sorry for subbing so late but i just stumbled across this thread and its pretty interesting. hopefully you'll have a female and that 400 should help flowering a lot! make sure to get some cuts for preserving the strain!


Well-Known Member
ty Hoagie. nice to have you along. I ll be taking a couple cuts tomorrow as amatter of fact to start to grow out. these two cuts will be sent to bloom once they make a foot or 2 tall for testing mostly. and to let it go and see how it does overall.


Well-Known Member
happy weekend RIU. Been busy around these parts.

Dad was busy all weekend, but today got some time after feeding/watering to take to cuts from me. here are the pics of my new offspring.

once my clones grow roots, they ll be vegged till they are atleast 18 inches tall before Dad sends them over to see my Durban sisters over in the bloom area.