NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...


So I found a plant in my back yard, did some research and it has white hairs on the branches so apparently it will bud? idk im a rookie. But i tried to move the plant into a flower pot so I could take better care of it. Within 5 min of being in her new home the plant started drooping and looking pretty dead. Should I be worried? Also the plant is around a year old... I think, and the stem is purplish red with green stripes. Is this a lost cause or what?? Thanks for any help :joint:


Well-Known Member
You probably chopped off a bunch of roots when you dug it up and repotted it. Nurture it and it will rebound.


Active Member
It's a weed, it can take a few shots before you finally kill it off. Kind of like a cat with 9 lives. As previous poster stated, treat it and it will rebound. Typically during transplanting you'll notice drooping. I would'nt worry at all, what I would do is make sure to NOT over water it right now due to "over caring". The plant can take it, it can take a lot of stress, for some people believe stress is good as it helps the plant strengthen. Just give it some water, don't over do it, check back again in 4-7 days to see if it needs watering again, best way to tell is to lift the bucket upon watering it, again checking that weight when you think it's time to water again. Good sign is watching the lower fan leaves for wilting, theyll go first when the plant gets thirsty. FYI droopin can also occur due to overwatering. Thought the leaves are noticeablely different, it's a easy rookie mistake to make. Check around the forum for some over watering pics and some under watering pics for refference. I never tried it, but I hear sugar water works well for transplants, as does Vitamin B. Goodluck with your first go round..


Well-Known Member
So I found a plant in my back yard, did some research and it has white hairs on the branches so apparently it will bud? idk im a rookie. But i tried to move the plant into a flower pot so I could take better care of it. Within 5 min of being in her new home the plant started drooping and looking pretty dead. Should I be worried? Also the plant is around a year old... I think, and the stem is purplish red with green stripes. Is this a lost cause or what?? Thanks for any help :joint:

pictures would be a great help and a year old i doubt it unless you live where its hot year round and it has to be over a few feet tall and from it drooping that means its in shock for the time being


Well-Known Member
wtf dude cut your grass, a year old in your

PIC so you dont waste your time growing a real weed, not weed


Lol, yea it was deep in the yard... But Thank you everybody for the advice and I will get some pics tommarow so I can know where I stand


hahah well i smoke on my pourch all the time, when ever i find seed i toss em so i wasnt too suprised. it was in good shape seeing as i didnt know she was alive... im still doubting that i will see any bud from this plant but im gonna try.. but the weird part is I live in New England, harsh winters, so i was extremely suprised. I have another question though, do plants even bud if they are over a year old? I mean shes around 2 ft tall and no sighs of bud.


Well-Known Member
2 ft tall is like a month old plant. but funny story, me and my buddy found a plant growing outside his garage in a crack in the cement. he always uses the leaf blower to clean the garage, so we assume it grew from that. it came out as a 5 inch plant with 3 foot roots going straight down. outdoor organic hydro haha


hahah well i smoke on my pourch all the time, when ever i find seed i toss em so i wasnt too suprised. it was in good shape seeing as i didnt know she was alive... im still doubting that i will see any bud from this plant but im gonna try.. but the weird part is I live in New England, harsh winters, so i was extremely suprised. I have another question though, do plants even bud if they are over a year old? I mean shes around 2 ft tall and no sighs of bud.
Well I doubt very much if it sprouted in the winter. It probably lay dormant untill spring and then took root. So with some tlc you should get bud!


Well-Known Member
to help it out of shock mix two or three tlbs spoons of epsome salt in a gallon of luke warm water and feed it immediatly


Well-Known Member
since youve already brought it inside i imagine there is a great change in temperature night and day. bringing it outside to inside is usually extremely stressful for marijuana, unless the temperatures are close. i would try to keep it in the area of the house where it will receive the suns rays at the same time it would as if it were outside, where it sprouted. im not sure about the epsom salt helping with stress, never heard of that...not to say it doesnt work tho. mattplusness is right, 2' tall is young for a marijuana plant, especially outdoors. hows it doin anyway?


It looks alot better. I am keeping it outside though, on my pourch so it gets lots of sun. The next morning when i check on it, it looked completly normal again, the droopyness must have been shock or I may have cut the roots a lil.. I working on getting pictures, cant find the wire to upload picture to my laptop (losing shit comes with being a stoner i guess) hopefully this cord comes up soon so I can get some opinions on how shes doing.. Another question: How long do plants usually grow before they start to bud? I thought it was a year old because of where the seeds were but what you all said make MUCH more scense so I would say 2-3 months old.


I feel stupid but this plant is looking like a male. I really dont know but the pics ive been looking at tell me its a HE. Ill get some pictures later today so the experts can help me out