need help jeepers!


New Member
Im trying to order a rc but this guy is being very stern on selling.

I told him im using it for college data research. Guess thats to vague.

Amy help on what i can say


Well-Known Member
What are you looking for?
It's common to say you are going to use it for your plants as a fertilizer. Some serious people may not believe that though. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what the RC is -_-

Chemically is it similar to any endogenous chemicals...
Aswell as that, is it neccessary for him to be aware of what you are doing with your purchase. Im quite sure you dont have to disclose your uses of the substance is its legit and not something that needs approval from regulatory agencies... Unless is a custom synth from a company but im guessing its not??
In my honest opinion... telling him college data research is probably telling him too much... But if hes being pushy, id be weary. Also, if you were legitametly doing research for a university, you are obliged to keep the intellectual property of what you are doing, e.g the design experimental method, sample data base so forth and so on in confidentiality. Thats one of the reasons universities have Intellectual property departments, so they can use and have full control over the academics (and possibly students) research, by disclosing information about this, the university could loose out on many right - one of the main ones being a patent!!! Because if the idea is not "novel" the idea cant really be patented (simplified, obviously theres a whole legal side to this). Imagine if this anonymous character, disclosed this information, which would hinder your "research"...... Ya get me brother...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any info on published research using rc's or the types of research they might be used for? I've never given to much thought to real "r" of the "c's".


Well-Known Member
Probably a fair bit of pharmacology research is using Research chemicals, however the chemicals are probably modified and wont be part of the study... So it wont be included, but it would be like - for example.. Testing the effects of "x" on "y". Or probably, and im almost more sure, that commonly testing just simple chemicals people are testing ligands, which is like the affinity of a drug to a receptor or enzyme or effects at a molecular level.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Probably a fair bit of pharmacology research is using Research chemicals, however the chemicals are probably modified and wont be part of the study... So it wont be included, but it would be like - for example.. Testing the effects of "x" on "y". Or probably, and im almost more sure, that commonly testing just simple chemicals people are testing ligands, which is like the affinity of a drug to a receptor or enzyme or effects at a molecular level.
I just assumed that any lab producing them didn't give a shit what your plans were because the research thing is just a way to stay in the legal gray area.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any info on published research using rc's or the types of research they might be used for? I've never given to much thought to real "r" of the "c's".
Alexander Shulgin has done multiple trials of his RC's on himself and his wife if that would constitute as significant research. Also . Sorry I forget how to make a hyperlink so you can just view it from here :/ . But yes though magic mushrooms aren't really a "research chemical" as they've been around for I'd guess a good thousand years. Psychedelics in general do pose great use as psychological development and exploration tools which I personally think need to be given a closer look at. In my opinion they're a much better help then any SSRI or MAOI ever possesed for depression and anxiety relief. It's my life goal to hopefully legalize the psychotherapeutic use of psychedelics in closely monitored comfortable environments with the patient and psychologist/psychiatrist to better explore the patients mind and where their underlying psychological problem lies. Instead of just covering it up with anti-psychotics,anti-depressants, and benzodiazepines. Don't get me wrong all those drugs are effective in their own way but I do not believe they should be thrown into peoples faces as a first line of defense like they do today. In these purposed legal psychedelic experiences the doctor would have anti-psychotics on hand if the person begins to experience a "bad" or difficult trip that they wish to stop, the medications can easily be administered to stop potentially psychotic break down or underlying mental illnesses from surfacing. All of this seems to me a much more logical and beneficial alternative to psychedelic substance use than just simply outlawing all of them completely.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Only if you're using an email address you dont care about :-P

He could submit your email to various lists be it spam or other.

But.. an RC vendor unwilling to vend the RC?

Kind of unheard of

Like buying a hotdog from a hotdog stand and the dude being like, "Now, before I give you this hotdog what do you plan on doing with it? I like to make sure my hot dogs aren't abused"