Depends on what the RC is -_-
Chemically is it similar to any endogenous chemicals...
Aswell as that, is it neccessary for him to be aware of what you are doing with your purchase. Im quite sure you dont have to disclose your uses of the substance is its legit and not something that needs approval from regulatory agencies... Unless is a custom synth from a company but im guessing its not??
In my honest opinion... telling him college data research is probably telling him too much... But if hes being pushy, id be weary. Also, if you were legitametly doing research for a university, you are obliged to keep the intellectual property of what you are doing, e.g the design experimental method, sample data base so forth and so on in confidentiality. Thats one of the reasons universities have Intellectual property departments, so they can use and have full control over the academics (and possibly students) research, by disclosing information about this, the university could loose out on many right - one of the main ones being a patent!!! Because if the idea is not "novel" the idea cant really be patented (simplified, obviously theres a whole legal side to this). Imagine if this anonymous character, disclosed this information, which would hinder your "research"...... Ya get me brother...