
Hi Guys

This is my 2nd time Growing, but I have trouble germinating this time.
The strain is Royal Purple Kush Auto by Emerald Triangle Seeds.

I dropped 2 seeds in a glass of distilled water for 18 hours until they sunk to the bottom of the glass.
Then I put them in wet paper towel and waited for 96 hours checked daily to make sure the paper towel doesn't dry out.
But NO tap root showed.

Afraid of the seeds become rotten, I place each of them in solo cup with soil and added 30ml of ph-ed water and cover it with plastic humidity dome and place them in dark warm place.

It has been 48 hours but they have not seemed to grow.

1. Do you think these seeds will grow?
2. Should I place them under the LED light now or should I leave them in the dark?

Appreciate your advices
Light only matters after they sprout
They sound to wet already
Just leave them alone and decide if you need to replant new ones in a week

See I thought this until recently. A light source will heat the top of the soil up more. I germinated some seeds in a dark cupboard beside by cooker (runs on oil so constantly on) and the seedling was growing sideways towards the warmth.

Also had a few roots go straight up instead of hooking back around into the soil.

So personally I always have a light on for added warmth and they always tend to show face when I’m asleep and are usually white/yellow if no light is available

@22nory Seeds take about 2-7 days when germinated in the media directly. Anymore than a week I get impatient and have a look to see if they have germinated
I never had luck with this paper towel method. The problem with it is that the seeds tend to drown...become too wet. You want a foolproof method that will work everytime? Then do what I do and grab yourself some Jiffy Peat Pellets. They hold the right amount of water needed until sprout, and then you can just plant the whole pellet with seedling and all right into your pot. I used to use Rockwool pellets. They will also hold the right amount of water, but won't drown your seeds. Warmth is a vital factor when germinating seeds. I put my seedlings in the pellets in a moderately dark and warm place until they sprout. Think about how a seed starts in nature, and then emulate that. Using seed pods to start is the smart and natural way.
See I thought this until recently. A light source will heat the top of the soil up more. I germinated some seeds in a dark cupboard beside by cooker (runs on oil so constantly on) and the seedling was growing sideways towards the warmth.

Also had a few roots go straight up instead of hooking back around into the soil.

So personally I always have a light on for added warmth and they always tend to show face when I’m asleep and are usually white/yellow if no light is available

@22nory Seeds take about 2-7 days when germinated in the media directly. Anymore than a week I get impatient and have a look to see if they have germinated
So do your seedlings grow downward on a heat mat? NO
It is because you a germinating in too cool of environment
So do your seedlings grow downward on a heat mat? NO
It is because you a germinating in too cool of environment

Are the heat mats in total darkness? Not saying it’s a rule just something I noted on that occasion.

The cupboard was 30c, warmer beside the cooker so not cold lol

@MickFoster Missed my chance to grab a pic of one with its tap root sticking out the surface! Not planted too shallow either.

Very rare but can and does happen
Hi Guys

This is my 2nd time Growing, but I have trouble germinating this time.
The strain is Royal Purple Kush Auto by Emerald Triangle Seeds.

I dropped 2 seeds in a glass of distilled water for 18 hours until they sunk to the bottom of the glass.
Then I put them in wet paper towel and waited for 96 hours checked daily to make sure the paper towel doesn't dry out.
But NO tap root showed.

Afraid of the seeds become rotten, I place each of them in solo cup with soil and added 30ml of ph-ed water and cover it with plastic humidity dome and place them in dark warm place.

It has been 48 hours but they have not seemed to grow.

1. Do you think these seeds will grow?
2. Should I place them under the LED light now or should I leave them in the dark?

Appreciate your advices
I've made that mistake before. Light doesn't matter until they are planted.
I caught it in time and returned them to the thick paper towels until they Crack open, this should work if you catch it in time. Happy Growing.
On my last germination attempt, I put a damp wrung out paper towel in a small plastic container with a cap on it & sit them on my led driver outside of the tent with ac running 24/7. This last time they took about 4 days to give me the tap root I was waiting for. (About 1/2” long.)
I do however believe in just dropping it in a 2cm deep hole, lightly spraying with water & pinching a little (debris free) dirt on top. Works every time so far.
On my last germination attempt, I put a damp wrung out paper towel in a small plastic container with a cap on it & sit them on my led driver outside of the tent with ac running 24/7. This last time they took about 4 days to give me the tap root I was waiting for. (About 1/2” long.)
I do however believe in just dropping it in a 2cm deep hole, lightly spraying with water & pinching a little (debris free) dirt on top. Works every time so far.
I have come to just leaving them wet, not underwater, until I get that Tap.