Need help please, pics inc


I am 5-6 weeks into flowring and i thnk i am screwed, this problem started 3-4 weeks into flowering, i only now realized how bad it has become, i am not sure what the problem is or wut to do, its been about 2 weeks since i first noticed it i thnk i waited to long, the buds seem nice, but i feel like this crop is doomed to be ruined, i am now thinking the buds should be bigger then wut they are, i am so upset. Can these plants be fixed? I have been reading posts and stickies for 4 hours and fear i have different deficincies, idk, i just dont know wuts wrong, i used miracle grow bloom booster ( 15-30-15) at 1/4 stregnth once during the 2nd week of flower, did i not give enough nutes?, should i give another feed 1/2 strgnth? idk, any help would be huge.



as i said above i have spent many hours researching wut might be the prob, read many articals and stickies here befor i posted, and i am thinking it might be a phos problem, mabey a cal/mag problem, just checked my PH and it is 6.5, it can get cold sometime in the room and the soil feels cold, i was hoping a few exp growers here would throw thier thoughts at me after reading all the info and checking the pics


Well-Known Member
I am 5-6 weeks into flowring and i thnk i am screwed, this problem started 3-4 weeks into flowering, i only now realized how bad it has become, i am not sure what the problem is or wut to do, its been about 2 weeks since i first noticed it i thnk i waited to long, the buds seem nice, but i feel like this crop is doomed to be ruined, i am now thinking the buds should be bigger then wut they are, i am so upset. Can these plants be fixed? I have been reading posts and stickies for 4 hours and fear i have different deficincies, idk, i just dont know wuts wrong, i used miracle grow bloom booster ( 15-30-15) at 1/4 stregnth once during the 2nd week of flower, did i not give enough nutes?, should i give another feed 1/2 strgnth? idk, any help would be huge.
Go ahead and give a feed at 1/2 strength like you said, then water the next time, then feed 1/2 strength again, then water, water.
Watch your leaves and new growth to see that damage is not progressing.
The black/ dark purple looks to be a P deficiency, and the light leaves look like a N def.
Damaged leaves will not heal, but you should see that no more are being affected.
**All this is assuming you have checked your PH and it's OK.**


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and give a feed at 1/2 strength like you said, then water the next time, then feed 1/2 strength again, then water, water.
Watch your leaves and new growth to see that damage is not progressing.
The black/ dark purple looks to be a P deficiency, and the light leaves look like a N def.
Damaged leaves will not heal, but you should see that no more are being affected.
**All this is assuming you have checked your PH and it's OK.**
Spot on Bakatare. There is a phosphorous, a nitrogen, and the rust spots indicate a cal/mag deficiency as well. Again good advice from this ^^^gentleman will serve you well. Go half strength light until new vigorous shoots appear. You can still pull off a really decent harvest, your flower time is just going to be prolonged while the plant heals itself and gets back on track.

Spraying with Epsom salts should correct the mag deficiency within 3-4days.


Active Member
I highly respect bmeat thanks for the compliment


Well-Known Member
Throw that girl some nutes man...looks like a def to me possibly P or Mn or even a Cal-Mag def...


Well-Known Member
Well guys we know who he is today..lmao...


Well-Known Member
I highly respect bmeat thanks for the compliment
Either you ARE him..or YOU don't know him..he's told me I was killing my plants (that are healthy as fuck) and I needed to stop doing what I was doing...which was actually reading some good grow books, to better understand what the fuck I was doing..if he read up on the subject and knew what he was talking about, people would probably like him, but for know he's an idiot playing with thinkin he's growing...

And sorry Obor, didn't mean to jack ur thread, but like I said +rep and nice...


ty baka and toasted, , i guess i was to scared to over nute and didnt go enough nutes. question, epsom salt, can get at a hardware store? and i have a product called "espoma organic" garden lime i found in the garage, it says it has a lot of cal and mag in it, it is little grey pellets, would this work because i notice the bloom booster has no mag or cal in it. if so should i dilute it in water? or sprinkle on top of soil? i am def learning a lot with this grow u guys are great help


Well-Known Member
Im not familiar with that specific product, "epsoma organic," but i use garden lime or sweet lime to add calcium to my coco mix. I think its prob more like something you add to the soil before the plants go in. i could be wrong tho, again i have no experience with that product. Epsom salts on the other hand can be found everywhere. Youd prob actually have better luck at a pharmacy; CVS, Walgreens, prob even Walmart would be more likely to carry it than a hardware store. For spraying, i think the concentration should be like 1-2 tsp/gal of distilled water. Not 100% on that recipe but i do know that there have been multiple threads on RIU about foliar feeding espom.

Also since your new, i dont know if you know this or not, but if you ever need to foliar feed your plants, do it at NIGHT(lights out).