///need help please!


Active Member
cajun thnx again for your input what product should i get from tokengrow exactly? i have a cold air blower already that i think will do the trick temps wise i also have a thermometer and hygrometer, ireland is very humid though and standard humidity is 75% will this reduce under the light? is it too much to grow with? thanks again!


Well-Known Member
humidity will reduce under the lights, its good at the early stage to have it high. Biobizz nutes are pretty good, cheap and simple, all u need is the two bottles, theres further stuff if u want to spend the cash though so you can expand it. tenner a litre, ive use it for years and because its organic u dont need to flush.


Well-Known Member
i grew for a couple of years just with the bloom and grow, after that i only ever added sum treacle (mollasses) when it was in flower. ive heard the topmax is good though. start easy until you learn and then start buyin extras, be careful of buying 'snake oil' though, a lot of stuff is over-priced. buy neem oil as well, its very handy to have around, it kills bugs and shit and if that happen you really want to have it immediately at hand. Dutch master Reverse is also extremely handy to have, it cures hermies.


Active Member
gonna get the grow, bloom and neem oil thanks again m8 . ok next thing :P : is it ok to use my 250w hps from seedling to harvest? if so how far away from my plants should i keep the light?


Well-Known Member
if your anything like my friend who tried, you'll dive in and fail gracefully for about a year before getting it right. expect to make mistakes, expect some information on your questions not to be available. but from what i understand you need a good light. and if your in an apartment - get a small ozonator on a timer to control smell. there WILL be smell that carries through the walls if you do not handle this.


Well-Known Member
gonna get the grow, bloom and neem oil thanks again m8 . ok next thing :P : is it ok to use my 250w hps from seedling to harvest? if so how far away from my plants should i keep the light?
it should be fine, there is a basic rule that we use and thats just to put the back of your hand a the top of your plant and feel the heat, if your hand is uncomfortably warm its too close, if its cold then too far away, it should be like a nice warm summers day. usually around12 to 18 inches . get a fan to blow thru this gap and u can move the light a little closer it cause the plant stem to thicken and grow stronger it alos reduces the likelihood of mold.


Active Member
if your anything like my friend who tried, you'll dive in and fail gracefully for about a year before getting it right. expect to make mistakes, expect some information on your questions not to be available. but from what i understand you need a good light. and if your in an apartment - get a small ozonator on a timer to control smell. there WILL be smell that carries through the walls if you do not handle this.
through WALLS? seriously? haha thnx for your input im thinking about using ONA gel will that abate the smell enough? i really hope not to fail but im prepared for it if it happens :) ill be testing PH using fertilizers and oing my best with what i have.

dura thanks again great tips!


Well-Known Member
you dont cockbag, its a yank product and its hard if not impossible to get over here. btw the miracle grow is fine ive used it for years and although ive never used its potting soil i reckon unlike the normal stuff it wont have any built in nutes, built in nutes are fine but you gotta be really fuckin careful when you get round to feeding the plant liquid nutes,it can burn your plants too death. be careful.


Active Member
hey dura thnx again i dont think it has any nutes in it but believe me ill do my reading before putting anything near the plants and ill probably pester you to death too haha (sorry in advance) we can nearly call this your frickin grow at this stage haha if only i could send you a bud or two at the end as thanks! assuming i get any hehe


Well-Known Member
its cool mate, i gotta massive amounts of helpin here when i started a few years ago, its always nice to help sum1 out, most growers still remember their early days and recall there mistakes and worries...and the fact they cant keep there heads out the grow room .its like watchin your kids growin up. theres a UK growers thread in here, theres also an irish one too but heres the uk link, nip in for a yap, theres loads of knowledgable guys in there. word of warning , the humour is real fuckin blunt, lots of national wind ups, all in fun of course but i hope youve got a thick skin!!


Active Member
haha im irish takin the piss is a religion over here haha by the way where can i get some dutch master reverse and penetrator around our neck of the woods?


Well-Known Member
jist google it mate, ah think greens horticulture has it or you'll definetely find it on e bay.its £15 per bottle and you need two bottles. one is the reverse and one called Dutch Master Penetrator( i know it sounds like a fuckin porno film, u'll be lucky if the priest doesnt nick it.)


Active Member
my dinafem blue widow seeds arrived this morning :D not even gonna open the tube they came in till the lights arrive :P exciting stuff though!


Well-Known Member
using a 1000w you would waste sooo much light and the heat would be unreal... you say you cant vent and that it is ok to open doors till smell comes what you gonna do then close door and burn hell out of plants get something a bit smaller or get an exhaust to get rid of heat and smell


Active Member
using a 1000w you would waste sooo much light and the heat would be unreal... you say you cant vent and that it is ok to open doors till smell comes what you gonna do then close door and burn hell out of plants get something a bit smaller or get an exhaust to get rid of heat and smell
you havent read half of the thread m8... im going to be using a 250w HPS now.