Need help transfering clones from soil to rockwool...can it be done and how?


As the thread states, just got my clones, although they are all in soil, about 2 - 3 inches tall, not much root growth yet. But looking to transfer them to rockwool so i could place them in the potters with the hydroton. What is the correct process in doing this transfer with the highest succes rate. I bought myself some clonex root growth liquid to help out. Please Help and thank you


cant stick to soil. I didnt find out that they were in soil till i just got them. I have the bubbleponics system primed and ready to go. I need to get them in and under light asap...any help in doing this the best way would be greatly appreciatiated
let the roots develop a little more in the dirt then try to rinse it in ph water gently to remove the dirt and put it in the net pot with hydroton without rockwool. worked for me before


Active Member
If your rockwool has a place for you to stick a stem or seed into, then this may be possible to do. I would take them gently out of the soil, wash the roots off, and then place them in the rockwool. Make sure to soak your rockwool in water for 12 hours-24 hours. Then place the clone and or roots into the rockwool. I would not recommend starting them with nutes in the bubbleponics system. Idk if I would do this with all of your clones, try it out with 1 or 2 clones first (depending on how many you have). If there are not any roots on 1 of the clones you are going to use, scrape the bottom and sides of the stem which is going to be placed into the rockwool gently, then dip it in some water and then some cloning solution if you have some. Do you know about proper lighting for vegging?


ya i have the proper lighting ready. This soil setting for the clones is what through me off. I literally was told , and i did inquire although never received an answer, up until i had them in my possession. I have Clonex root solution. I have the rockwool soaked already in ph balanced water....shit this is just one big hiccup i did not see coming. SO now i just have the clones in there cups with soil under the light. Waiting to see what and how im going to make this transfer....all helpful advice given would be appreciated