Need help very fast!!!


Well-Known Member
Alrifght guys, I live in the states, where I live the weather gets very cold, water lines froze in my house. Plumber came over to check out the problem and then left w/o coming into the house, I drove by my house later and he was there and had entered my house without permission and stumbled across something he shouldn't have... My rooms... Now, a buddy of mine who didn't know anything about what I have going on called me and said dude, get your shit gone (he is buddies with a person who works for the company) and gave me the heads up. The police will be called and I will be investigated and watched... I know it takes a little time for a warrant, everything to do with the plants will be gone tonight, seeds, root balls, plants, scales, pipes, everything of that nature will be absolutely gone. I took 1/2 day off of work once I got the heads up and cleaned both of my computers of everything, and will do so again every time I use the comp, my cell phones are cleared also...


I have left my entire grow rooms setup and running and they are filled with my normal house plants now, everything has been vacuumed and disposed of...
Did this plumber guy actually *see* the inside of your rooms? (and people wonder why mine are under double lock and key). If he didn't actually *see* anything, just make sure your clean, jean. They will try to squeeze your friends as well. Make sure the cell phone is wiped as far as numbers go, but they can still get your phone records if they want. :(


Well-Known Member
def throw plants in make sure all illegal things are outta house everything cus if they do get a warrant they will want to arrest u for any and everything def call better buisness buerau how did this guy get into ur house u leave it unlocked if not then he was breaking and entering or at the least treaspassing i would call the cops now that your house is cleans and press charges against the guy and really hope u dont own this house cus ur gonna be a hot spot for some time


Well-Known Member

Been following your story on the other forum. So it's a neighborhood snitch.
Sucks royally, but it sounds like you've done a good cleanup. I don't buy you're
going to get convicted on joe blow's word and maybe a picture or 2.
The sheriff may listen to the rat's story, but can't see any charges from it.
Of course your address is cooked, growing there again is probably not good.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
The police most certainly CAN and WILL get a warrant on the plumbers word Alone!!! I have seen man many search warrants that only had someone affirm under oath that they saw it in your home, or you sold them some out of your home. Thats all they need for probable cause. Get rid of EVERYTHING, if you have a wire hanger with resin on it they WILL find it, even if it is somehwere you never go anymore. They are going to toss your house 100%. everything will be dumped, they will go through your garbage, your laundry, under your bed, in crawl spaces, in toilet tanks to find even 1 tiny little thing to charge you. Even if they find black residue on a butter knife from the burnt toast you had this morning, the pigs will call that MJ residue and bag it for evidence and charge you. Your thinking smart by putting house plants in there, a good cover! Be very vigilant in searching your house for anything that could be MJ related. Zig Zag papers can even get you charged.

Cops absolutely look like dumb assholes when they get a warrant for a home and find jack shit, so they will be oh so pissed at you. Say nothing to them, NOTHING at all. The judges look terrible too when they bust doors in to find everything legit, Judges get elected so once the people see that they will run all over your 4th amendment rights they may not vote for the judge again. Politics.


Well-Known Member
The police most certainly CAN and WILL get a warrant on the plumbers word Alone!!! I have seen man many search warrants that only had someone affirm under oath that they saw it in your home, or you sold them some out of your home. Thats all they need for probable cause. Get rid of EVERYTHING, if you have a wire hanger with resin on it they WILL find it, even if it is somehwere you never go anymore. They are going to toss your house 100%. everything will be dumped, they will go through your garbage, your laundry, under your bed, in crawl spaces, in toilet tanks to find even 1 tiny little thing to charge you. Even if they find black residue on a butter knife from the burnt toast you had this morning, the pigs will call that MJ residue and bag it for evidence and charge you. Your thinking smart by putting house plants in there, a good cover! Be very vigilant in searching your house for anything that could be MJ related. Zig Zag papers can even get you charged.

Cops absolutely look like dumb assholes when they get a warrant for a home and find jack shit, so they will be oh so pissed at you. Say nothing to them, NOTHING at all. The judges look terrible too when they bust doors in to find everything legit, Judges get elected so once the people see that they will run all over your 4th amendment rights they may not vote for the judge again. Politics.
warrant is certainly possible, in his 1st post he mentioned he had done a cleanup
he posted this same thread under another forum
bit of discussion there if you could be convicted on pictures and snitches word
seemed unlikely to me without some physical material