Need help! White Widow not germinating after 4 days - Pics Attached

I've bought seeds from Nirvana that I have been trying to germinate for the last 4 days with no luck :(

I used the soaking in a cup method for 48 hours and did not see any result and hence moved on with the tissue method for another 48 hrs. The cup of water was left in a dark room (room temp) whereas the tissue was placed inside an airtight container and on top of my refrigerator since it provides a little warmth. I try to open the container every 6-12 hrs in order to promote proper ventilation.

Am i doing anything wrong?? Its been 96 hrs now and i only see the seeds crack slightly. Pics below.



Active Member
you might have drowned them, i usually soak for only 12-24 hours at max. I had an OG Kush seed that sprouted a taproot 1/4" long while soaking in RO water at room temp, maybe 75 - 78 degrees after only 14 hours. Next time, soak only until when you swirl the glass they sink, then take them out and put them under 1/4 to 1/2 inch of dirt and keep that moist but not dripping wet and at a good temp of between 75-85 degrees and you should not have any probs. Once a seed sinks in the glass of water that lets you know that the water has penetrated the seed pod and is all it can handle of that. i soak in the glass, swirling it around every few hours, once they sink they are ready to plant.
Unfortunately yes i did. My seeds drowned to the bottom in a couple of hours, i'd say 6 hrs or so. However, i was waiting for the roots to come out since i saw a few videos on youtube doing the same and they had good results and hence i waited for 48 hrs before I transferred it into a container.

Do i still have a chance with these seeds or should i start fresh..?


Active Member
you can keep trying to germinate them by sticking them in soil 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep and keep warm and moist, but i think they are dead already. i would place a new order and try again, next time only soak until they sink when you swirl the cup then plant them right away in moist warm soil.


Ursus marijanus
I just germinated four Nirvana White Widow seeds in a glass of water. Within three days, all four germinated. It might not be your technique or fault ... you may simply have dead seeds. But you need two full weeks to be sure. cn


Active Member
Patience. Like cannabineer said, it could take 2-14 days. I like to start mine in a cup of water overnight, then straight into soil. I use little 4" clay pots to start seeds. Gives them plenty of room and doesn't hold moisture too much, which is a seedlings worst enemy.


Ursus marijanus
There might be no "best site", but Attitude and Nirvana are well-regarded. I got mine from Nirvana, and so far six of six have germed. Fwiw. cn
The biggest mistake noobs make when germinating is to keep checking the seeds. We all make that mistake early on. Just put them in a humid environment and LEAVE THEM ALONE. Patience, patience.
6 days are over now. Not a sign of germination. I transferred the seeds from the tissue to a good mix of potting soil in very small containers exactly 24 hours ago and wrapped them in a foil. I have also placed them behind the refrigerator for some additional warmth. Will wait for another 24 hours before I throw these seeds away.

Ordered from Nirvana thinking that they were the best. What a waste of $50. btw, i ordered these seeds in March 2011 and only got a chance to grow them now. Does this have to do anything with the seeds not popping..?



Ursus marijanus
6 days are over now. Not a sign of germination. I transferred the seeds from the tissue to a good mix of potting soil in very small containers exactly 24 hours ago and wrapped them in a foil. I have also placed them behind the refrigerator for some additional warmth. Will wait for another 24 hours before I throw these seeds away.

Ordered from Nirvana thinking that they were the best. What a waste of $50. btw, i ordered these seeds in March 2011 and only got a chance to grow them now. Does this have to do anything with the seeds not popping..?

It could depend on how you stored them. I ordered mine in September '11. I germinated one on receipt (I didn't expect anything from it; it was a runty little sesame seed, but it popped and ended up as 3 ounces of good smoke) and just germinated the remaining four with four successes.
I stored mine in the refrigerator door, the butter bin.
I also had some old C99 seeeds that I'd simply allowed to get hot and cold in my bedroom. Of over two hundred, I had zero germinate :( cn
To all the experienced growers. Should i leave the germination pot in the dark or under sunlight for best results. I have read both and am really confused. Also is it a good idea to cover up the pot with a foil to retain moisture and dark periods..?