Need help with a science project


My BIO102 class requires us to grow a plant for a project. She won't let me use my kids-but suggested that I could grow a tomato plant in my hydro setup, and have the tomato be the test subject.
I'm running a DWC 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle, it might just work if the conopy above doesn't choke out the poor little 'mater, and if the full blast flowering nute regimen doesn't burn it.
Don't want to stress of fuck up what I've got going...

Could it work, or should I just buy some crappy houseplant to torture?


Well-Known Member
hey ive grown alot of tomatoes in my time. but ive always grown em outside under the good ol sun. ther prtty ez to grow xcept the freaken huge green hornworms that fuckin luvs to eat em. never tryed em in hydro or indoors so no help ther man sry


Well-Known Member
haha damn. now why'd you go and drop it when you had a perfect project going on? and did you really ask her if you could grow cannabis for the project?