Need help with curling leaves. Please give input


I just need some input on what could be going on with my plants, please give advice and opinions. I really dont need any criticism due to being a newbie and seeking some help and advice. They are about 2.5 weeks into veg. Ok so my plants are in FFOF mixed with Miracle Gro potting mix, they were transplanted into larger containers about 4 days ago. A couple of them have leaves curling inward and upward i guess. I have them under two 400 watt MH lights, have a fan going, my cheap thermometer reads about 74ish, which i thought was good. I raised the lights again today fearing that they are being overheated and i dont want to ruin them. Right now the lights are about 2' above the plants. And i have not started using nutes yet, was going to start today but the leaves thing scared me a lil. Please give some input that will help me. Thanks in advance.



Active Member
More than likely burn from the lights being to close. A good way to estimate the distance that you can have the lights is to hold your hand under the light at the plants hieght. MH and sodium lights really produce alot of heat. You don't want it to be hot to your skin. I had newly germed plants with a 1000w MH lamp at 4 feet that got totally smoked in about 1 hour, they were also in a very small room. I can't think of anything else that would be going on. Good Luck


Active Member
the canoe-ing (fancy technical term :D) is usually a sign of heat stress or over fertilization. both soils you used are fairly rich, and MG usually has nutes in it. id say you have some nute burn starting. problem is if you used MG soil with nutes in it flushing could make the problem worse. i would hold off feeding for another week or even two. then start them on a very low dose fert. did the MG soil have the little fertilizer balls in it? what ratio of MG to FFOF did you mix? is your light/room ventilated to allow good air exchange?


I mixed the FFOF with the Miracle Gro at about 50/50. The miracle grow is a potting mix though, it didnt have any of those fertilizer balls that i can recall, it had like dirt mulch barks and stuff like that. The FFOF had the vertilixer balls though. I also added some perlite to the mixture... I think that there is a decent amount of ventilation in the room. Thanks for the quick responses..


Active Member
FFOF does not have fertilizer balls in it, but MG potting soil does. thats what it means by "feeds for three months" on the bag. what do you consider a decent amount of ventilation? plantvision was right on with the hand test for your light. also if your thermometer is off th the side of your grow space, you temps could be as much as 10* hotter under the lights.


Decent amount of ventilation is that i have the fan going, and the room isnt enclosed like most. Its a room that i built inside of my garage, the roof isnt on all the way to let the air circulate out, and to let the heat out.. The thermometer is directly under one of the lights. OK, so are we thinking heat damage or nute burn? Thanks


Active Member
yep those are my thoughts. most likely nute burn because you seem to have good enough air flow.


You might also check your PH...I had a similar problem and found my PH was off...Nute lock looks a lot like nute burn... just my 2cp


OK, just got back from the hydro shop and the PH is way too high like 7.5-8...... Just watered them yesterday. What should my game plan be? Yes i know next time to get the PH where it should be, but should i run it low next time, wait til they should be watered next (fri or sat) give some now? Thanks guys