Need help with drug test *newbiehere

Someone else's pee that is warm enough is your best bet. But if they are watching, you won't be able to use it. So you want to be prepared for that. Drink a gallon of water 1 hour before the test, pee as many times as you can. Then take one of those flush treatments you can get at almost any convenient store to restore the color and add the things they check for in tests.
It really depends on the type of test it is. There are good ones out there that can detect stuff like that and at which concentrations. Or they can do a simple dip test like those you find at Walgreens. All I’m going off of is what I know when I was a urinalysis coordinator in the military. These are the shitty jobs you get to make E7 lol.
In my experience they give you dip tests for interviews. If you fail that they send a sample to a lab for more expensive testing. I wouldn't recommend someone else's pee since you are a woman just in case they watch. I would flush w/water in the morning and take a couple niacin to make your pee yellow. It covers up the flushing.
If you do try to take someone's pee pick up some hand warmers to keep it warm. Too warm will get you busted so activate it early.
Haven't used MJ for quite a while now and switched to Kratom because your system cleans up from it after four days or so and the effect is quite the same. So I just don't have any problems when I have to pass a drug test. Check out my trusted kratom vendors if you are interested, maybe the thing will be suitable for you.
Heres a question... Why do employers test for smoking when most only became bosses themselves by blowing smoke up everyone elses ass? Places Ive work, machine tool companies, metal shops, they always drug tested, non stop. This is way before I smoked, only drank but never on the job. However, countless times one of the higher up bosses would actually come down on the floor and try to get a coworker to hide some stash, not just weed, but coke which was real big among the factories here in Ky as well. I never got into that either, but just found it ironic that it was ok for bosses to do this on company time at that, but a worker on the floor couldnt do wtf he wanted after work hours on his own time... pretty double standard