Need help with DWC nutrients


Well-Known Member
And a ph problem. You might want to lower that. Eventually they will all look like that ugly one if you don't monitor the ph.. constantly.
The one that you are calling ugly is a Malawi getting a nice fade before harvest. I should have picked the yellow leaves. The southern comfort and Malawi have red wigglers in the soil and all I feed them is coffee grounds, egg shells and fan leaves. I think the coffee grounds are acidic and I use tap water.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what your laws are like but here we are very limited on how much usable meds we are able to have. So we went for a system that let us harvest every couple of weeks with fewer plants with 4 plants flowering.

You can see 4 stages of ph level's. There is no question which was experiencing the highest levels and which had perfect levels.

We also use the CX line of nutes. It's the cleanest system we could find and get magnificent results.

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Do you think a PH drift or swing within range is good, or is it better to keep it stable? If I run my PH on the high side do I end up needing to use more nutrient? What is the cx line? Your plants look great, what strains do you run?


Well-Known Member
Do you think a PH drift or swing within range is good, or is it better to keep it stable? If I run my PH on the high side do I end up needing to use more nutrient? What is the cx line? Your plants look great, what strains do you run?
Tricky question. (drifting)

Cheaper ph solutions are made of many chemicals and can break down faster in some systems changing the levels. I am basing my answer on my use of a concentrated up and down that is much more stable.

I want to see my levels change because it tells me the plant is eating as well as drinking. I top off and ph every day and get a 4 to 5 point change.

Ph and plants uptake.

General rule of thumb is follow the directions on the package. Here's why. A plant will take up more nitrogen if the ph is up a little higher. This is ok based on the additives per gallon and time frame of water changes . But.. If you add more the plant will take up more and burn your plants. Many time it will also shut down the low end ph nutrients up take causing a lock out.

Cx is a hydro line of nutrients. The 4 babies that were pictured are a house clone only lemon strain.