Need help with First bho!!! Smelly purp strain!!


Hey guys so ive been wanting to make some bho for awhile and Im getting ready to try my first batch soon. I recently made some iso and triied dabbing that on my nail and dome attachment and wasnt very happy with it. Im hoping this goes better!! Since its my first time im probably just going to run 7 grams in hopes of getting about a gram of quality budder. I ran in to this awesome purple strain that has very loose open buds just coated with crystals!! Smells like fruity candy. SO i got a couple questions for you pros out there.

How much butane should i run through this batch??(Ive heard use more ive heard use less and im having trouble finding the ideal amount.)

Should i freeze this Bud before running it?(idk if ppl do that but this bud is kinda moist)

Do you think This could yield a gram??

Is it worth it for me to do such a small amount?? Will it last me a couple days maybe with my nail setup :grin:

Should I grind up the buds or keep them whole??

Any tips to get the most out of this little test???

Thanks guys I appreciate any help i get

How much butane should i run through this batch??(Ive heard use more ive heard use less and im having trouble finding the ideal amount.)
I would use one can for your 7 grams

Should i freeze this Bud before running it?(idk if ppl do that but this bud is kinda moist)
You dont need to freeze it but it needs to be bone dry

Do you think This could yield a gram??

Is it worth it for me to do such a small amount?? Will it last me a couple days maybe with my nail setup :grin:
i think it is, depends on how much you smoke

Should I grind up the buds or keep them whole??
grinding it up will get you the max amount, but i would wait for it to get bone dry then break it up with your hands

Any tips to get the most out of this little test???

Thanks guys I appreciate any help i get

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how are you going to go about the extraction? there are a couple of threads that have details for extraction, heres one i did, there are a couple of people on here that have done other ones that are just as good as this one.
Very nice setup you have there man, the whole indoors part scares me tho. I plan to do it on my back porch with another pyrex of warmed up water under my main tray. I dont have a vac purge so i was going to whip the hell out of it then look up other purging methods.

So do you think i should freeze it since it isnt dry? Ive heard breaking up the buds will give you a darker oil with chlorophyl or some shit. Know anything about that?? I feel like breaking it down would be better but ive read that you shouldnt
i dont advise anyone to blast inside, i have an inline duct fan literally a couple of feet away blowing it out side

the people that dont break it up save the buds break them up and do another blast later, so for you i would just break them up, it wont turn in black it will just be a darker color of gold(if your strain was going to be gold oil) chances are that its going to be dark because its an indica

you can get it out by whipping it or a double boiler where you take your pyrex dish and set it on top of a pot of boiling water and then whip it
Hey guys so ive been wanting to make some bho for awhile and Im getting ready to try my first batch soon. I recently made some iso and triied dabbing that on my nail and dome attachment and wasnt very happy with it. Im hoping this goes better!! Since its my first time im probably just going to run 7 grams in hopes of getting about a gram of quality budder. I ran in to this awesome purple strain that has very loose open buds just coated with crystals!! Smells like fruity candy. SO i got a couple questions for you pros out there.

How much butane should i run through this batch??(Ive heard use more ive heard use less and im having trouble finding the ideal amount.)

Should i freeze this Bud before running it?(idk if ppl do that but this bud is kinda moist)

Do you think This could yield a gram??

Is it worth it for me to do such a small amount?? Will it last me a couple days maybe with my nail setup :grin:

Should I grind up the buds or keep them whole??

Any tips to get the most out of this little test???

Thanks guys I appreciate any help i get

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We would get about 1.4 grams of oil from 7 grams of material.

Less than a can of butane would be required in a column and enough to cover it about an inch in a thermos.
Should i just run the butane till the liquid looks clear?? or should i just empty about 3/4 of the can. Its safe to bring it in the kitchen for the hot water whipping right?? Since most the butane is gone.

Also its about 40 degrees outside, Does a cold outside temp affect the proccess. I dont want it to just turn into a gold rock haha
run it till its clear and u can actually stick ur finger tip in the stream to see if it is still sticky
you can bring it in when its not liquid... if that makes any sense lol
and i dont know how 40 degrees will affect you where i live it doesn't get that cold lol
Here is how I do mine......

for a QTR...whgich I have blasted about 4 times in last month.

tube that is about 6" and only 3/4 wide.
silk meshy screen
steel hose clamp
can of vector or w/e you want
electric skillet
and water tray.

OK, so start boiling your water and get your trays set up.... while your doing that you can prepare your tube. Dry material will definitely yield ALOT more because it is a lot easier for the trichromes to be separated from the plant. And sticking it in the freezer for 3 minutes does not hurt either. Weed freezes FAST. While getting the water boiling I turn on my electric skillet with temp dial and turn it to 200 degrees so it can warm up while blasting.

So break up your bud....personally...I like to run the buds solid and then after running them once break them down and get a second extraction with the buds broken up. The bud turns frozen after blasting it and is alot easier to break up. Definitely use scissors or a really sharp blade... Breaking it down with your fingers will cause the thc to fall off the plant and you will lose a small fraction of your oil. I am all about acquiring the best quality while maintaining quantity. Razor blades that u use prior to scarping the oil will work perfect.

Back to the tube.... Cut a nice piece of some silk mesh screen and place it at the end of the tube. Use a steel hose clamp to tighten the screen into place. I like to make sure there is a small gap between the end of the tube and were the steel hose clamp is. 2 centimeters or more will work. If you place it level with the end of the tube oil like to stick to your clamp and you start losing fractions of thc. You now want to start packing the bud in. DO NOT PACK TIGHTLY. What I will do is start packing and then tap the tube on the surface a bit each time to knock the loose buds down. after I get it to the top I will put the cap on. I will then remove the steel clamp and pack some more from the bottom to avoid blow outs(incase your using a single BROWN coffee filter.) Put the clamp back on when done. IF you are using PVC which you should NOT EVER use but if you MUST only use it ONCE and discard...but if you must use a 7/64 bit to drill your nozzle hole.

OK so tube is golden....

Take the boiling water you have go outside and pour it into the water tray. Go back inside and grab your pyrex dish and go place it in the water tray. Now go grab your tube and your butane. Use gloves or some rags to hold the butane and or tube while blasting. I use rags for both. So take your tube outside kneel down in front of the dish. Place the tube down near the bottom of the pyrex so that the wind/air does not blow your liquid out the side of the dishes. Now you will just put the butane in the hole u made and start blasting. It will take about 5-10 seconds for the butane to start flowing out from the bottom of your tube. The liquid coming out is going to be a golden/brown color. This is where you can use your entire can for a qtr or use half. I use about half a can before it turns clear. While blasting the hot water is boiling off the butane. After you see most of the bubbles go away to where it is inactive take your pyrex dish inside and place it on your skillet. In about 10 seconds the butter will turn liquidy instead of waxy... Use your razor to scrape up the wax. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE WAX YOU SCRAPE UP ON PARCHMENT PAPER. any substitute and your gonna lose maximum quantity. Get all the wax out the dish onto paper and then turn up the heat to about 215 degrees on the skillet.... from here put the wax back in the pyrex and start whipping till you can get as many bubbles as u can out.

I do not have a vac purger yet so I will not continue.
Should i just run the butane till the liquid looks clear?? or should i just empty about 3/4 of the can. Its safe to bring it in the kitchen for the hot water whipping right?? Since most the butane is gone.

Also its about 40 degrees outside, Does a cold outside temp affect the proccess. I dont want it to just turn into a gold rock haha

i would not worry about how much of the can you are using if your tube only holds 7 grams, you are not going to need much spraying.. , but yes, spray till its pretty clear... you can use another clean (white) dish to spray into, to test spray (easier to see how much oil is actually left)..

after you spray, let all the liquidy butane boil off.. I would say its safe to bring inside once your oil is NOT running..

40F is pretty damn cold.. i would throw a fan on over the tane to help speed the boil up.. if possible, put a hot water bath under your pyrex you are spraying into, (the water should not exceed 100F IMO with a run that small..)

there are many ways without a vac.. choose your own! patience is key
Wow thanks IllToxic!! I have a glass tube similair to what you described ( I got it at headshop so theres only one open end as well as the butane hole. Were you saying to pack it all the way then leave a gap towards the end?? I will be using brown coffee filters, accidently got the brown ones that are crimped but il cut them and try to fit them on there. Next time il have mesh and a pipe clamp tho. Can i ring out my filter after?? or will that let the impurities get through?
Ive been reading a ton on this and my bad for that dumb question haha.

How can i prevent a blowout?? how does that even happen? I dont have a pipe clamp I was just planning on putting a couple rubberbands over it. Am I at risk?? Im using a 6 inch glass tube

How many filters Should i need to use??
i use a hose clamp.. cost me nothing.. hardware stores have them cheap..

i also use up to 20 coffee filters, no joke (bleached/unbleached-preferred) .. i would use at least 5 filters.. cut of all excess filter as close as you can to your rubberband/hose clamp so more oil is recovered..

never had a blow out, just evenly pack your tube.. pack as tight as you want.. just evenly.. experiment with a tight pack, compared to a light pack..

do one tube runs initially, figure out your process. wastes time, but saves money.. and you learn quicker..
would be nice to hear a very detailed explanation of the process your gonna try.. like you were trying to explain to me exactly how to do it.. i can then give you some feedback and suggestions..

but gather all the information you can, twitch and I both have a vacuum tutorial, another guy named vacpurge has a vacuumless way, you should seek info from him..

then we have a resin encyclopedia called fadedawg :p
Damn thats alot of filters!! Does it still pass through good without getting blocked up?? I have the brown coffee filters and accidently got the crimped ones that say they have micro-perforations, Would i still use 5?? Can i ring out these filters after??

I appreciate the help btw man

i feel i have thrown away lots of oillll in my filters.. im so worried about what im making, i dont care... i guess it would be cool to save them , collect them, make a big wad, then throw that into a fire pit one day. :]

mine are crimped.. but they unfold to a perfect flat circle.. i make 4 layers of filter out of 1 coffee filter by folding it over multiple times.. i usually use 3-5 filters (12-20 filtrations)

ive also used bleached, un bleached, cone shaped, what everss. its just a filter, make sure its filtering.. but like i said, cut off excess. ..

i dont think filters can be wrung out.. there are ways to remove the oils in the filters though.. i dont know how..
I plan on using these filters and this super 7x butane. I have two pyrex dishes but no skillet. I plan to have hot water under my main dish when spraying then After it stops bubbling I was going bring my top dish inside and boil water under it so the steam heats it while im whipping it. I was gunna continue at that until I have some budder. Im still looking up other purging methods so i might change that last part

is it bone dry? the moister in the bud will freeze when the butane hits it and that will make it blow out, i use 3 to 5 unbleached coffee filters depending on the texture of the bud ur running