Need help with First bho!!! Smelly purp strain!!

I dont know if youve ever run into some good strain thats been grown unprofessionally but its real on crystals but its like loose weightless weed. It seems dry but anytime i handle it my hands gets sticky from the trichomes. Im getting ready to run it soon.
Im probably going to use 3-4 of the filters i got. Is it possible for the butane to not drain well and to just pool up and drip out real slow after i stop the pressure of spraying? Ive had that problem using ISO, Im just trying to be prepared haha ITs getting real dry and starting to have some shake. will that clog the filters? these are weird and say micro perforated( they feel like brown napkins)
no it shouldn't pool because it off gases alot faster then iso
when u pack a tube and put the filters on you should be able to put your mouth up to the hole and breath through it with little to no resistance
Thanks for the help guys, came out pretty good. Nice gold/amber color. I did run into a few problems along the way tho. What I had for the corners ending up not working becuz of this shit being so sticky haha. After I whipped it over heat for a long long time i stopped and now it like breaks off nice with the dabber. reminds me of like tree wax but i dont see little bubbles.

What do you guys use for scraping corners?? haha I still have some left in the pyrex but what I did scrape was just over a gram at 1.1. Sorry for the shitty pic haha
I would not use 5-10 filters if I were you. Using that many is going to kill your return. I like boiling water because it boils off the butane very quick. There is no need to worry about boiling water causing a spark or anything cause there is no flame. I would use mesh screen if you are looking for sexy ass returns. I was saying pack to the top then take off the bottom and pack a little more. I have ONLY used single filters and have never experienced a blow out... But I make sure there is no zero room for air in the tube.
I only use razor blades for scarping but use a square dish. Beautiful oil brudda! It really is easy after you do it the first time and adjust for the mistakes you made. After that the process is like tying shoes.
haha I got the little mini oval pyrex haha still got 1/4 of it in there. My first run was with a few filters and it fucked up the return i believe. It was mostly clear from the start but i switched out the fillters and ran it agian. The weed it dry today and looks the same as it ever did, Meaning i still see crystals. SHould i try running it again you think??
After i looked at the filters i took off they were like kiefy almost i think theyre soaked up with goodness, just dont know how to get it haha
u spent all this time to make a gr of oil WTF is wrong with ppl this shit is getting out of hand. how much u pay for that 7 grams and all ur time for 1 gr of oil wow u r smoking big now.
I only use razor blades for scarping but use a square dish. Beautiful oil brudda! It really is easy after you do it the first time and adjust for the mistakes you made. After that the process is like tying shoes.

what's your process? You sound like you can tie your shoes pretty well. Mine come untied too often..
If you got good shit a gram of oil will last u just as long..for me even longer than a qtr of bud lasts... bud goes to quick. two dabs and i'm sailin.

If I were you dude goto hobby lobby or some craft store in ur area and get mesh screen. The shit they use for kief catchers. best return.
1/2 oz Tube -$25

Coffee filters / hose clamp - $2

1 can tane $5

Pyrex/ razors $ 10

$42 for all materials .. You can use energy as free as the sun to purge. Or invest in a purging process..

1 oz of weed around here at club can cost $200 -300... Pull 5+ grams out of that whether it be oil goo shatter wax..
1 oz of trim can be as little as $40 2 to 3 bho grams out..
Its a good investment imo

creating something this amazing also has a priceless feeling..

didn't notice you were the one who posted that illtoxic..
u spent all this time to make a gr of oil WTF is wrong with ppl this shit is getting out of hand. how much u pay for that 7 grams and all ur time for 1 gr of oil wow u r smoking big now.

First off, I got the 7 grams for 15 bucks from a buddy. imo it was a fun little project to see what I can create with some weed that I didnt really wanna smoke. Nothing is getting out of hand and for you to come in here just to talk shit for the sake of it is kinda pathetic. haha I bet your smoking pretty big yourself "biglungs".... Thanks for stopping bye:finger:
If you got good shit a gram of oil will last u just as long..for me even longer than a qtr of bud lasts... bud goes to quick. two dabs and i'm sailin.

If I were you dude goto hobby lobby or some craft store in ur area and get mesh screen. The shit they use for kief catchers. best return.

Il deff be looking for one of those, And im really happy with how this came out. I just dab a nice chunk of it an im good for awhile. Next time il be making alot more. Thanks for the tips bro
First off, I got the 7 grams for 15 bucks from a buddy. imo it was a fun little project to see what I can create with some weed that I didnt really wanna smoke. Nothing is getting out of hand and for you to come in here just to talk shit for the sake of it is kinda pathetic. haha I bet your smoking pretty big yourself "biglungs".... Thanks for stopping bye:finger:

First off, I got the 7 grams for 15 bucks from a buddy. imo it was a fun little project to see what I can create with some weed that I didnt really wanna smoke. Nothing is getting out of hand and for you to come in here just to talk shit for the sake of it is kinda pathetic. haha I bet your smoking pretty big yourself "biglungs".... Thanks for stopping bye:finger:

i dont waste my time making a gr of oil thats for sure

1 oz of weed around here at club can cost $200 -300... Pull 5+ grams out of that whether it be oil goo shatter wax..
1 oz of trim can be as little as $40 2 to 3 bho grams out..
Its a good investment imo

its a bad investment IMO if u payed 250-300 and pulled 5-6 gr that puts the value of that extract at 50-60a gr that is well over retail price here in my state so i see that as a horrible loss of time and money. and 40 a zip for trim WTF?

Contractor bag FULL of trim-$150

OG Kush


Mendo Purps
