Need help with First bho!!! Smelly purp strain!!

good looking stuff, still no reason to harp on anyone for killing an hour or 2 making some bho for the first time. i mean we can all sit around and post up pic of hash and play whos got the biggest dick game. OP stated he needed help, not someone to show him a pill of end product... just my 2 cents

the first thing i blasted was an ounce of stems. everyone starts somewhere
i dont waste my time making a gr of oil thats for sure

its a bad investment IMO if u payed 250-300 and pulled 5-6 gr that puts the value of that extract at 50-60a gr that is well over retail price here in my state so i see that as a horrible loss of time and money. and 40 a zip for trim WTF?

Contractor bag FULL of trim-$150

OG Kush


Mendo Purps


whats your process biglungs? that looks nice
i dont waste my time making a gr of oil thats for sure

I figured itd be smart of me to try it first with a small batch before running more and possibly running into the small problems I ran into. I dont get why you have to hate on my little batch tho, soon I may be running more than you. Once again:finger:
wasnt trying to be a dick thr just seems to b a lot of stuff on the net lately similar to yours regarding making oil with tiny little amounts of meds but i guess have to do what u need to do
wasnt trying to be a dick thr just seems to b a lot of stuff on the net lately similar to yours regarding making oil with tiny little amounts of meds but i guess have to do what u need to do

Its cool man, I just wanted to try it before doing more, Soon I will be making much more just didnt wanna fuck up a big batch
I make 7-14g BHO runs all the time. hell thats all my extractor really holds... out of that 14g I can get 3~ grams of oil that lasts near 2 weeks. comes out to 30-40$ a gram. we dont all grow legally and get garbage bags of trim for 150$. think about it before being a douche.

we might be a small fish compared to you in the weed world.. but come out in the real world and youll feel what being treated like a small fish is like by us big fish with careers and work ethics and education. not all just fighting with the government and growing weed for a living. :roll: as much as I like my weed and extracts. I couldnt sit around all day doing nothing but playing with my plants and buds, pretending to be too sick and sore to work a real job. around here we call people like that useless fucking losers, what a waste of a life. too many lazy people nowadays. try working 12 hour days in the oil patch, 6 days a week for 7 years. youll know what being sore and sick and having a fat bank and every toy under the sun (legally) is really like.

I love my weed dont get my wrong, but some people out there taking it a little too far because theyre lazy as fuck and dont like waking up early and having to bust their ass to move up in the world.

what do you do for a living? "I grow weed and make oil/hash and sit at home doing nothing all day long" ding ding ding we got a real winner here!!! parents must be real proud of the contributing member of society theyve raised; a professional pothead. could you have picked an easier route in life? like come on...
what do you do for a living? "I grow weed and make oil/hash and sit at home doing nothing all day long" ding ding ding we got a real winner here!!! parents must be real proud of the contributing member of society theyve raised; a professional pothead. could you have picked an easier route in life? like come on...

careful your not just stepping on his toes, its very very hard to get to a point where you are gardening enough to support yourself. so if someone had put forth the effort to get to that point that they can do that then get off their ass, its not as easy as everyone makes it sound, and i think they actually came to terms like men in the last 2 post before yours.

oh and heres one for everyone, i am sure you have heard you parents say life inst fair??? yes???
then why the hell should i play fair????
LOL u dont know me just because i make my own hashes doesnt mean i grow for a living i just make hash so i dont have to pay full price for it. not my fault i was born in the emerald triangle and i can get trim for free or cheap. u would if u could too.
i work hard five days a week not outdoors because i grew up poor working with my dad whos a contractor and helping my uncle and grandpa split, haul, and stack firewood since i was 8-9 years old. i decided a long time ago that i wasnt going to work till i was too old to work anymore and chose school.

glad to hear u work in the oil fields please be careful of the environment for the future generations please