Need help with my first stealth grow box

Dude just get the idea of growing out of your head for now, your still at home and it seems like your still in school and jobless, iv already sank over $400.00 US into my closet, so $140.00 bucks isnt gonna do a whole lot to get you started, the things you need to grow, you need soil (25-30.00 a bag), nutes (25.00 per, need different kinds of nutrients for the different stages of the plants life about 50-60.00 for the whole grow) , containers (how many are you going to need, one plant per pot, how many seeds you planting?), drainage plates (a cheap rip off if you ask me but you need to catch the excess water in something, you need as many of these as you have pots), light ballasts (how many of these are you going to need and how much energy is it going to consume?), light bulbs (how many of these and how much energy?), pH test kit (cheap!!! 10.00), string ( woot another cheap thing ), chains (to hang lights, semi cheap), hardware of various kinds (depends on what you need), alot of water (thank god this is cheap) and one of the most important, electricity (this shit aint cheap and your parents would see an obvious raise in the bill unless you did LED Halo or CFL lights) do you plan to pay for that while your still in school? living at moms house with only $140.00 US? Just wait, if you get caught by your parents your in alot of trouble, if you show all your friends and run your mouth off about it at school your parents will end up getting caught and they will be taken to jail, have their house taken, and probably you taken away from them if you are not old enough....WAIT TILL YOU HAVE YOUR OWN SHIT TO RISK DONT BE A SHIT HEAD UNGRATEFUL PATHETIC WASTE OF A SON WHO RUINED HIS OWN AND HIS PARENTS LIFE BECAUSE HE COULDNT WAIT 3 YEARS!!! BUY A FUCKIN BAG LIKE THAT ONE GUY SAID!