Need help with my Sativa, BUbbleponic

BUd Kief

Good afternoon community!

I am a new member of the online community and I must say, you guys have helped me out a lot. Thanks for that. I am a novice cultivator, exploring the different grow mediums and experimenting on different strains. One Topic I would like some input on would be my recent plant under flowering cycle. LxWxH = 4.5'x2.5'x7' closet grow space. I attached 99.5% reflective material to the already hard white painted walls. I am using an 18 gal reservoir tank and keep my pH around 5.8-6.2. The nutrients I have added is 1/4 strength per gal of nova flora grow, and also FF's grow big at 1/8 dosage since the plant to my knowledge doesn't need a boat load of Nitrogen in the flowering stage. I have one fan shooting over the top of the canopy and another fan with air tubing running from that fan to outside (Trying to bring CO2 into the environment). That is at the base of my reservoir shooting up the stem on low. I have two air stones attached to one air-pump with regulated output. My plant is 15 days into the flowering process with the white hairs showing up 2 days into the flowering cycle. I am using 1-LED, 2-CFL's (1-Warm, 1-Cool white) and a spotgro 150W bulb that adds heat to the pretty cool environment. My thermometer just broke and I need to replace it, so I am unsure of my temp in the closet.

Also, I need someone to explain what PPMs are and why they are so important. Again, I am a beginner trying to soak up all this knowledge to harvest the freshest yield possible with my given circumstances. The term E.C. as well.

With this bubbleponic system, I want to know if these flowers will ever BUD or just keep growing little, white hairs until they turn orange/brown. For the information I am leaving out to give you guys and accurate response, please ask me for additional information.

Peace, Love, and Good vibes.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy and right on schedule. Those are the preflowers and they will develop into bigger buds. Sativa strains generally take longer to flowers so it may look like they are underdeveloped at first.

BUd Kief

They look healthy and right on schedule. Those are the preflowers and they will develop into bigger buds. Sativa strains generally take longer to flowers so it may look like they are underdeveloped at first.
Thanks for the input, iFreeSki420. My first grow was soil with a low quality ruderalis strain which didn't do too well. This one is my first time with Bubbleponics. I like the results but definitely want a better environment for it.
