Need help with my seedlings!!ASAP


Hey guys, I recently started growing three el ninos from greenhouse n Btw I am new to this and need help with my seedlings. soaked them on the 28 of october n now its under 3 cfl lights. But the problem is that they are growing so tall and lanky but the leaves are developing so slow. Please help!


wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Ok first off, repot 'em right now so that the stem is down in the soil and only an inch or so is above the surface otherwise they will fall over and die. Secondly, you gotta get those lights waaaaaay closer to the tops like only a few inches away. They are stratching to reach the available light which is dim in comparison to full sun and they need more. You need to do this right away.


Well-Known Member
Your lights are way way way too far. That's why they are so skinny and tall. Bring those cfls as close as you can, 2 inches should be fine.


Well-Known Member
You'll be lucky to save those if you don't repot like someone said. They'll fall over soon. Overwatering can give you stretch too but it's pretty apparent the distance of the light is the obvious issue.


Thanks guys. So when I repot them should I move them to a final pot? and what kind of soil will be best for it at this stage?


Also do they need 24 hrs of light or is it ok with 16on/8off? n the lighting setup is three cfl's and the other two are higher up so should i bring them down aswell?


Well-Known Member
dead right repot and bring the light really close...they should b in a propagator really....thats wat id recommmend/a heatd not spray em...the water will make em bend over and fall and b dead by the morning...with them long stems,so repot like guy above said keep the lights on 24hrs...u onli need 1 125w cfl....