Need help with paranoid landlord

My landlord just changed her mind about letting us grow on her property (San Jose, CA) after she read about federal laws. Does anyone know of any literature or tactics that can ease her mind? She is threatening us with destroying the plants and eviction! Please help me save our babies.


Active Member
bring her over and feed her some pot brownies or cookies,she prolly still wont go for it but atleast it will be easier for u to take the new if ur


Active Member
Nothing wrong with being straight up with her. Ask if you can sit down and have a pow-wow, 10 minutes of her time. Be polite. Explain your legality, show her your paperwork, offer to show her the setup and explain that you are trying to be 100% legal but that if she truly wishes them to leave than that is her choice and you will comply. (Unless you have a pre-signed agreement acknowledging the grow from the get-go.) Now, if she still says nope I want you out, then simply ask if you can have X amount of time to finish up and break down the gear. Explain that you will gladly leave, but X amount of time would be very helpful to finish up as per the needs of the patients involved. Hell maybe even ask her if anyone she knows is in need of some medicine...sounds like she is! =)


Well-Known Member
I thought Obama passed that bill saying that the federal government won't overrule state law anymore. I remember hearing something about it, but not sure if it was actually passed or not. If so, then just tell her that it is legal to grow in Cal, as long as you have your card and nothing can happen to her or the property because of this bill.