
New Member
Hello all - First time poster here, so I would really appreciate some help. I'm a seasoned cannabutter maker but am incorporating sunflower lecithin for the first time today. I think I may have screwed it up. I used a cup of the lecithin with a cup of butter and 1/2 oz of bud. After further research, this appears to have been way too much lecithin. It's all cooked now and in the fridge cooling, but I'm wondering if I ruined it or if I should try and cook it again. Please help!![/QUOTE]
Not sure. I don’t think you can be harmed by too much but definitely overkill. Usually a few teaspoons per lb butter. I would be worried about nausea or stomach pain potentially with too much. Just a thought. Good luck!
Exposure to anymore heat will not help
I think you have an infused emulsifier that you could separate, freeze and use in future batches of cannabutter
Agree with the above poster about GI discomfort
Its a lot of lecithin but not a loss
If you can take the 14 gram infused emusifier (all about branding), and make another batch of cannabutter using the lecithin butter a teaspoon at a time as the emulsifier I think it would work, just do this over time and you should use up the lecithin cannabutter
Just a suggestion
Good luck!
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Hello all - First time poster here, so I would really appreciate some help. I'm a seasoned cannabutter maker but am incorporating sunflower lecithin for the first time today. I think I may have screwed it up. I used a cup of the lecithin with a cup of butter and 1/2 oz of bud. After further research, this appears to have been way too much lecithin. It's all cooked now and in the fridge cooling, but I'm wondering if I ruined it or if I should try and cook it again. Please help!!
Ya sorry bud you used way too much lecithin. Idk without seeing your consistency. But to compensate your gonna need at least ten times the herb lol. Save it and add a little to the next batch.