Need HELP with spider mites


Active Member
I think I have spider mites on my plants. Really tiny white dots on the underside of fan leaves. I used an organic poisonless spray(clove, citrus & mint oils), then the bottom fan leaves began to dry up. I tried smoking the leaves and they didn't taste right. I need some help and suggestions. They're on my screened in patio. :confused: :cry:


Well-Known Member
I have bought 20 different foliar sprays and they all say does not harm plant.All of them did.This is what i do.I rub the majority of mites off,then i sprinkle sevin dust on my plant.Some people are afraid of smoking sevin dust,understandably.but i only leave it on for a week at most [during veg]then take youre spray and hose the fuck out of all the plants surrounding youre plants.the bugs will not venture into the poisoned plants to get youre one plant,PEACE


Well-Known Member
yea man of course the leaves you smoked didnt taste rite, for one there leaves and also try using a mixture of dish soap 1-2 teaspoons, a teaspoon of vinegar and water


Active Member
:D THANKS!! I'll do that. And thanks about the advice on those sprays. I was thinking about using garlic & hot peppers, but figured the hot pepper might burn the plant. I'll try the sevin. :hump:


Well-Known Member
:D THANKS!! I'll do that. And thanks about the advice on those sprays. I was thinking about using garlic & hot peppers, but figured the hot pepper might burn the plant. I'll try the sevin. :hump:
one time i sprinkled a plant with tony chacheries seasoning.killed everything fuckin with it or ran them off,but i couldnt stand my herb to smell like a fucking crawfish lol


Active Member
:D THANKS!! I'll do that. And thanks about the advice on those sprays. I was thinking about using garlic & hot peppers, but figured the hot pepper might burn the plant. I'll try the sevin. :hump:
" For example, carbaryl (Sevin) devastates most spider mite natural enemies and can greatly contribute to spider mite outbreaks."
Just read that, I am having the same problem. I thought you would like to know this before doing anything.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Orange oil, vinegar, water & dish soap is an organic weed killer. Orange oil & water will kill ants, etc. Both mixtures will kill your plants. Two spider mite remedies I have heard/read about. Liquid Seaweed & water will get rid of them & keep them away. Spray every 7 to 10 days directly on the plants. The other is Neem Oil. Use as directed. No matter how much cleaning you do in the patio, mites are brought in via your clothes, pets, etc. A weekly spraying is needed. Good Luck.


Active Member
A simple safe way to do this is ladybugs! they will eat the hell outta those mites. and if you see eggs take them off the plant and throw them in a fire.