still looking for opinions on the spectrum or if anyone has experience with this particular board...
Looks like a nice SPD.
If you got the SPD from Alibaba though, throw it in the trash, along with all the data sheets they supply. They are just copy pasted, doctored and skewed from report to report.
At least in my experience. The chips you get will not be top flux bin. They will tell you they are, but you just have to enter into the transaction knowing they aren't. They have no 3rd party testing. They cannot be trusted. This is not exclusive to Alibaba though, many companies are full of scams and false claims. So ultimately you'll have to make a leap somewhere, unless you have your own testing equipment you'll be at the mercy of whatever numbers the supplier wants to print..
My Alibaba experience...
On the flip side, they normally populate the boards with a high flux chip (though maybe not the best or highest flux bin like they garuntee), and they are cheap! They will, and do, grow the plants very well.
The SPD supplied looks like it might be genuine or at least tracking the relative radiance when looking at the chip selection and ratio, but I wouldn't count on it as being trustworthy. Also, the recorded 2.15umol/j isn't too bold and could be a legit datum too, this may be a more reputable company, but I can't say..
As far as what driver you can use, it would depend on how the board is wired. It looks like it's 8 strings of 32 LM301b plus some extra. In order to achieve the current needed for the XPs, it looks like they are bringing 2 LM301b strings together and slapping 2 XP chips down before splitting the string back up into separate LM301b strings. The LM301b is rated @ 2.88v at 200mA, or max current rating. So if you wanted to be able to blast your chips full blast you'd need a driver with at least (32 × 2.9v = 92.8v) 93v, but we have to figure in the voltage drop over the XPs too, so it looks like from the data sheet that they are possibly pairing up (2) groups of (4) 660 XPs @ 8.4v/each group, along with (2) groups of (2) 660 + (1) 380 + (1) 740 @ 9.2v/each group. If we add the max voltage addition of 9.2v to 92.8 we yield 102v total needed to run full blast. Because there's 8 rows, and the max current that the weakest chip in the strings can handle is 200mA, the max necessary current is 1.6A, or 1600mA (.2A × 8 = 1.6A) max, although I'd stay under 1300mA max because you'll need some badass heat sinking starting at around ~1100mA probably earlier. I run 142w on a s5 board but have to have active cooling.
Armed with these guesstimates (still not 100% on how board is wired, etc..) I'd say go for (1) 320h 2800b per (2) boards if you know how to dim, if not just go with the 240h 2100. Without dimming the 320h, you'll need active cooling and could burn up your light without it.
If you use a 240h 2100 you'll only be able to get your boards up to about ~105w per. You'll have room to run still on your driver (in terms of power), but because each board only gets 1050mA max, you'll never be able to use the the max of your board (164w ~ 102v × 1.6A), or your driver (240w+).
XP chip V's...
Board guesstimation outline...