Been dealing with back pain for bout 10 yrs now. Tried just smoking weed to alleviate the pain.
No what you need is a Pain Management System. Now that may include pain meds, but it also may not. I would high advise against getting them ANYWHERE else, other than your Doctor! If you are looking for what I think you are looking for, avoid it at all costs! Avoid it like the PLAUGE! (Unless life absolutely can not go on...)
Learn what elevates the pain and do not do that. Learn what relieves the pain and incorporate more of that. Massage? Epsom Salts? Swimming? Float Tank? Stretching? Exercising? I don't now... you have to figure it out.
I would not advice you smoke if the pain is as bad as your say. Look into vaporizing, or better yet edibles. Or other concentrated forms like cbd oil.
Look for Heavy Indica strains.