Need some advice on nitrogen deficient!

Hey Guys iam having a little of a problem right now. I pretty sure iam having a nitrogen deficient. What it looks like.

But let me give you a little history on my plants. They are about 3 months old. And 25 inch's tall. I have been having this problem for about 2 1/2 weeks . It started after i did my monthly big watering.Just to keep things from building up. They where in 5 gallons pots. And i poured enough water in them to get a 20% to 30% run off. I added final flush.To help break down things.And they where fine after this. The problem came when i started to add my nutrient back to my watering. After i did this thats when i started to have the problems. Once i saw this its was time for me to do my weekly flora spray. Spray and grow.I though that would take care of it. But just slowed it down.But after that i gave them water.Once they dry ed out. I needed to transplant them. Into 7 gallons pots. Of a 50% sunshine 25% light warrior 25% ocean warrior soil mix.And gave them a big watering.And they where fine.No more nitrogen deficient. And once i went back to my nutrition mix same problem.Nitrogen deficient. My Nutrient mix is. Bcuzz A and B. Bcuzz growth. At 900ppm totally. My water is ph at 6.5. So to try to fix this problem. My next watering i kicked up the Bcuzz A by 25% to give it more nitrogen.Witch came out to 1000ppm

My nutrient mix is:
2ml per liter of A and B
1ml per liter

Its been almost two days now. And iam still seeing yellow leaves.It seem to me something going wrong with my nutrient.Iam adding the wrong amount are something.Do i need to add more A. Are just add just water.Because when i do that it seems to be fine and green.

Well sorry i was going add pictures.But i cant upload them.I will see what i can do about that.But i like anybody that could help on this problem.



Well-Known Member
the old damage wont heal, whats been done is done. second inspect new growth to see if nutrient is doing its job. third how do your stems feel and look. you could take this over to my thread in my sig too...
Yea i know it want. I just want to keep it from keep going on. The steams look good.They have purple lines in them. Oh my Bcuzz A is 3-0-3. And B 0-2-4. If that help to know that