Need some help!!!


Well-Known Member
Help!!! I can’t seem to identify what this is and if they are a harmful insect. I noticed them today in three little groups in different pots. Clinging to the side of my fabric pot in about a 2“ x 2“ area. I sprayed with some peroxide and it killed them I checked all my plants and my cover crop and they don’t seem to be on any of that. Any feedback is welcome let me know what you think. 52E87C3F-61DB-49C1-A2A4-C4FD90DE9B64.jpeg75A574CC-290C-47A6-A717-F863BFF7E021.jpegFA6B9A1A-7190-48D2-90A8-4E1DEAC30485.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Ya probably spring tails,they jump bounce around.Good guys not harmful.
  • Find springtails in areas of high moisture and condensation (around plumbing leaks in bathrooms, basements and kitchens).
  • Springtails are commonly found in the soil of overwatered houseplants.
  • They prefer soil that is excessively damp or soil mixes that contain a high percentage of peat.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Springtails aren't really harmful but those don't look like springtails to me. They are too black. Springails are mostly white like jumping coconut. I would keep killing them.


Well-Known Member
Does Microbe Lift kill them? I thought it only worked on gnats, mosquitoes and those little flies.
It kills the larvae, and most adults. I've seen them under the microscope after application. I'll see a group of bodies in the runoff tray, and put them under the scope... all dead.


Well-Known Member
I went around and sprayed my pots with a peroxide solution. Turned up air movement to dry top layer out and am applying diatomaceous earth with a sevens dust blend in the morning. I also just did a bti rinse with this watering so they should disappear. Also ordered a box of sticky tabs from Amazon today to stick In the pots