Neem Oil : HELP!


Active Member
so, i hav a few leaves that hav been munched away and i am quite worried about spider mites , so does anyone know what kinda neem oil to use and where i can get it from ( i liv in the uk)
any advice very appreciated


Well-Known Member
so, i hav a few leaves that hav been munched away and i am quite worried about spider mites , so does anyone know what kinda neem oil to use and where i can get it from ( i liv in the uk)
any advice very appreciated
i just had some spider mites too, about 2 weeks ago. i used takedown garden spray. not sure if they sell it in the uk, but im sure u can find it on the internet, it seemed to work well for me, no more mites!. it contains pyrenthium so im pretty sure its still organic. hope this helps u. besides dont think spider mites eat the leaves, my leaves had little yellow spots on top and bugs on the underside of the leaves. maybe u have a different pest, but i could be wrong


Active Member
I use dyna grow neem oil. doesnt really seem to do much for my whitefly problem. im indoors though. I got mine at a local headshop that sells homegrow supplies


Well-Known Member
imlegal is on the rite track. bobby u wanna buy pyrethium spray and need oil. apply the pyrethium first leave it on for an hour or so and this actually kills the insects by collapsing the cell walls on them ,kinda like sucking them dry lol and once you have done that water the plants foliage down and apply the neem oil as a deterant to then keep them away