Neem Oil While Taking Clones?

Friendly reaper

New Member
Hey guys,

I'm switching to Neem oil to treat spider mites and pm in an indoor hydroponic environment. I want to treat my mothers (in ebb and flow) and the timing is lining up perfectly with when I want to take clones (using an EZcloner). This will allow me to treat all of the plants while being able to treat each plant and clone individually which is good but I would like the advice of some experienced growers who have used Neem oil; is it unsafe in any way for the clones? Like will it affect their ability to take root etc.

Any recommendations for mixture would be appreciated too as I will be using Neem oil on my vegging plants as well. I know with experience comes wisdom and I have only used Neem a couple of times on outdoor plants.

Thanks for reading.
Why would you want to clone a plant that has mold you can never fully get rid of it and it will always have mold in it
Neem won't effect your clones but I don't use it anymore so I don't remember the dosage. If you will get it on the stem use cloning gel to protect the cut/scrapes on the base of your stem.

Now my advice takes a left turn off a cliff... This may be illegal in your state/country/planet!

I don't like neem oil it doesn't kill PM, nor does milk or PH 8.0 water. All myths.. but I am not afraid to go scorched earth to save a strain though. Eagle 20 does work and I treated a plant with it a few years ago then I vegged her for almost 3 months before putting into flower for 2 more months. That stuff is wicked it killed the PM for a long time but in the end that strain got it again because it was prone to catching PM so all the fans in the world couldn't keep PM at bay. That eagle 20 stuff is scary when you look up the msds, so I decided screw that strain and found another. Mites you can beat also but man at this point I might call it quits on the ol girl. If I was going Eagle 20 I guess I'd just do floramite too because it will be months before you can grow it. But I nevef used that floramite I killed mites with Azatrol, might wash (same time feed with Azatrol spray mighty wash.. Then mix a spray with Azatrol. I also hung No Pest Strips, used sticky stuff on stems and used a fogger. I used a combo all at once because these are Cali hardened mites.
Neem oil is pretty much useless for spider mites, as noted above by bryan, as it will not penetrate the webs, where the eggs are.. A fantastic product is called BANG!, Buy it ,and you will not be sorry.(Amazon)
Also, you will never get spider mites on clones, as they need a developed branch system, with a decent amount of leaves, plus they take a long time to form. I've never seen them on a young plant..
Neem oil is pretty much useless for spider mites, as noted above by bryan, as it will not penetrate the webs, where the eggs are.. A fantastic product is called BANG!, Buy it ,and you will not be sorry.(Amazon)
Also, you will never get spider mites on clones, as they need a developed branch system, with a decent amount of leaves, plus they take a long time to form. I've never seen them on a young plant..
not to be a dick,if ya clone a plant with mites the clone will have mites,i have seen plenty of clones loaded with mites for sale at clubs,dont no how u can make statement like that.:bigjoint:
not to be a dick,if ya clone a plant with mites the clone will have mites,i have seen plenty of clones loaded with mites for sale at clubs,dont no how u can make statement like that.:bigjoint:
I just have never seen mites get a foothold on a clone, only larger plants, but I guess if there is a serious infestation, they will attack all. Also if you got them on a clone, they should be easy as fuck to kill, seeing as there should be hardly, if any at all, web to deal with.
Your not a dick (I don't know you though) you are giving personal experience, which is what this site is all about. Peace out bro
I had them on cuttings and clones. In clones I've recently got from a collective they were on the rockwool cube only because the collective obviously used a pesticide. On the phone they claimed no pesticides were used and no mtes came from them. But they were wrong I put it under a microscope. The thing is it is easy to kill mites on a 5 inch tal plant with a few leafs.. I trimmed the roots in the rockwool and set them in a tray of Azatrol at 1 table spoon per gallon.. Then sprayed them 8 times in one day, you can put a clone in barely any light.. You can put a clone in 65F all day. When I got done after 9 days on those clones the leafs looked wrinkled like they had been laying wet on somethung too long but every leaf recovered..

Clones are easy.. But use a combo punch, like hanga No Pest Strip in there and have the fan take air away.. Also that sticky stuff on stems gets full of mites, i.e. it works.. Fan and sticky stem traps means no movement for the spider mite
Neem won't effect your clones but I don't use it anymore so I don't remember the dosage. If you will get it on the stem use cloning gel to protect the cut/scrapes on the base of your stem.

Now my advice takes a left turn off a cliff... This may be illegal in your state/country/planet!

I don't like neem oil it doesn't kill PM, nor does milk or PH 8.0 water. All myths.. but I am not afraid to go scorched earth to save a strain though. Eagle 20 does work and I treated a plant with it a few years ago then I vegged her for almost 3 months before putting into flower for 2 more months. That stuff is wicked it killed the PM for a long time but in the end that strain got it again because it was prone to catching PM so all the fans in the world couldn't keep PM at bay. That eagle 20 stuff is scary when you look up the msds, so I decided screw that strain and found another. Mites you can beat also but man at this point I might call it quits on the ol girl. If I was going Eagle 20 I guess I'd just do floramite too because it will be months before you can grow it. But I nevef used that floramite I killed mites with Azatrol, might wash (same time feed with Azatrol spray mighty wash.. Then mix a spray with Azatrol. I also hung No Pest Strips, used sticky stuff on stems and used a fogger. I used a combo all at once because these are Cali hardened mites.
because it's impossible to kill mold once the plant has it
Thanks for your input everyone. I am pleased to say that the PM has mostly cleared out possibly because of the relocation of fans and addition of another fan. And luck perhaps.
The guy at the hydro store talked me out of buying Neem oil. He recommended azamax which I already have. I want to stray away from it, one reason is that I've used it for too long and the mites are becoming immune. I used two times the recommended dose anyway and it did not seem to kill them all. I have used three times the recommended dose for a foliar spray before as an experiment and the plant was fine. I learned that having three different sprays and rotating them is a good way to clear out an infestation as they are less likely to become immune.
I also tried some interesting methods I read about in other forums on individual plants to see how both the plants and the mites reacted to determine if I wanted to treat all the plants that way. Both methods were said to treat both mites and eggs. I was skeptical of this but the methods are easy and I have a few plants that I have freedom to experiment on so I decided to find out for myself it the methods worked.

Experiment 1: Diluted 70% isopropyl alcohol 50/50 to make it 35%. Sprayed the plant using s hand held spray bottle all over until it was dripping.
Observation: 24 hours later the plant shows no stress or damage from the alcohol and live mites can be seen clearly.
Conclusion: Ineffective.

Experiment 2: 1 habanero pepper diced, simmered in 2.66 cups of water (equal to 6 peppers per gallon as was recommended) for 20 minutes. Strained. Sprayed the plant with a hand held spray bottle all over until it was dripping.
Observation: Don't try this at home, the pepper spray was much stronger than I expected. Wear a respirator if you try this however: 24 hours later the plant shows no stress or damage from the pepper spray and live mites can be seen clearly.
Conclusion: Innefective.

Can anybody recommend some other pesticides/methods? I need to stay as clean as possible here, unfortunately I cannot use eagle20 or avid or Orthene or nuclear weapons or release the craken.

If I still have the two spotted spider mites when the plants are in flower I will likely be experimenting with predator mites starting with Phytoseiulus persimilis.