But as a dietary aid my laywer said it’s 100% legit. GNC also sells dietary hemp seeds. Hemp and cannabis seeds are no different from each other unless germinated. They contain no thc. But that’s open to legal interpretation area to area. I wouldn’t start no seed bank in Oklahoma per say lol.
But as a dietary aid my laywer said it’s 100% legit. GNC also sells dietary hemp seeds. Hemp and cannabis seeds are no different from each other unless germinated. They contain no thc. But that’s open to legal interpretation area to area. I wouldn’t start no seed bank in Oklahoma per say lol.
I was thinking more like Oregon. I have skills with the web, which a lot of these outfits clearly do not, so I might be able to make something more performant and easy to use. Just tossing the idea seems like a market ripe for disruption. But there is definitely a lot of risk.
I was thinking more like Oregon. I have skills with the web, which a lot of these outfits clearly do not, so I might be able to make something more performant and easy to use. Just tossing the idea seems like a market ripe for disruption. But there is definitely a lot of risk.
It’s wide open. It’s a glorified postal worker with a web store. 100% markup at least too. I was telling my friends the other day, breedings not where the money is. Seed banks are.
Get yourself a flat in London, mail stock out from both the states like Oregon, and over in Europe and your in biz. Run your webstore in England and your legit. Pay taxes and do your job and that money should flow. Excess I believe is a big issue for most. Like cocaine lol, mr c for sure hit the base. Logic prob too. I heard heroin. But either or will do it. You can’t smoke crack and run s successful biz imo lol
Get yourself a flat in London, mail stock out from both the states like Oregon, and over in Europe and your in biz. Run your webstore in England and your legit. Pay taxes and do your job and that money should flow. Excess I believe is a big issue for most. Like cocaine lol, mr c for sure hit the base. Logic prob too. I heard heroin. But either or will do it. You can’t smoke crack and run s successful biz imo lol
Interesting thoughts, thanks a lot, I think I agree pretty well entirely.
Their site looks OK, a lot of US seed bank sites are garbage.
I am seriously considering building my own seedbank website, because I understand intimately how the world wide web do. It seems like a lot of the “cutting edge” cannabis upstarts have no idea about internets.
That said, neptune seems like they might be a step ahead of the pack, more technical research to come.
Dude me too except I'm on the opposite end. I know nothing about designing a website but I have a business background and have an option for financing orders from breeders
Interesting thoughts, thanks a lot, I think I agree pretty well entirely.
I’ve watched them now sink and swim but mostly sink over the years. Most can’t hack it out. But in all fairness I wouldn’t want to be a seed bank with breeders who drop 1000 new strains a month either paid for upfront, all mostly untested gear. Thats a recipe for failure imo too. Or angry customers in time. All it takes is one herm crop to ruin a breeders rep. Smashing new to new to new to new, esp fems, will only increase that rate. Like I tell most growers, most elites are bag seed. No selection, no intentional breeder goals, no nothing. Just whatever presented itself. So half the elites or more herm on lowers, or stressed. As is. Not exactly what I figured breeding would be today....but the customer and banks are also to blame. If they didn’t want it, it wouldn’t happen. I know I’ve been let down by many elites, so I run everything prior a few times and let my friends too. Then I usually decide whether it’s good enough to work with. But I grow production as well, so I’m picky about what I’ll run production and won’t work a cut I don’t like. I prefer easy growing, high yields. Way too many nice strains to get bogged down imo on names
I’ve watched them now sink and swim but mostly sink over the years. Most can’t hack it out. But in all fairness I wouldn’t want to be a seed bank with breeders who drop 1000 new strains a month either paid for upfront, all mostly untested gear. Thats a recipe for failure imo too. Or angry customers in time. All it takes is one herm crop to ruin a breeders rep. Smashing new to new to new to new, esp fems, will only increase that rate. Like I tell most growers, most elites are bag seed. No selection, no intentional breeder goals, no nothing. Just whatever presented itself. So half the elites or more herm on lowers, or stressed. As is. Not exactly what I figured breeding would be today....but the customer and banks are also to blame. If they didn’t want it, it wouldn’t happen. I know I’ve been let down by many elites, so I run everything prior a few times and let my friends too. Then I usually decide whether it’s good enough to work with. But I grow production as well, so I’m picky about what I’ll run production and won’t work a cut I don’t like. I prefer easy growing, high yields. Way too many nice strains to get bogged down imo on names
That's on the breeders not the banks. Banks just sell their gear to consumers. It's not the banks responsibility to make sure the gear is tested
That's on the breeders not the banks. Banks just sell their gear to consumers. It's not the banks responsibility to make sure the gear is tested
No, banks knowingly will buy untested seeds all the time now. Before they would not. I remember because they broke the rules out when I first began on me. Now, it’s open season on it. The rules changed but also it’s hard to find testers who don’t have issues, or do the job. I’ve just passed them out as freebies in hopes someone grows them out at times myself.
No, banks knowingly will buy untested seeds all the time now. Before they would not. I remember because they broke the rules out when I first began on me. Now, it’s open season on it. The rules changed but also it’s hard to find testers who don’t have issues, or do the job. I’ve just passed them out as freebies in hopes someone grows them out at times myself.
Supply and demand.
That's on the breeders not the banks. Banks just sell their gear to consumers. It's not the banks responsibility to make sure the gear is tested
As far as testing too it’s on the breeder but, who buys 20k in untested inventories? Would you? I wouldn’t. But as a bank, the liaison between customers and breeders basically that’s their job to know what they buy and sell. Just like a breeder should too. I can tell you whatever about most of the strains I’ve bred over the years just from the amount of time spent on everything. I go by the females and base my selections typically off this and other tests. So by the time I’m done. I can tell you all it’s flaws and such. I map things out too, and see how a certain cut or male breeds into this, or that, and find it’s variances and differences, and strengths weakness. It’s not different then dogs, but they have been not keeping breeding standards now years either with seeds they do dogs. Back when nev sold stuff, you usually got a dank find or three. Breeder Steve always was good for a few finds in a pack. You can pretty much guarantee I can deliver a few finds too. But luck too is a factor or %. So anyone can. Next bag you buy may have the new new gg4 seed in it lol. I like the unknown.
Sorry to interrupt a funny conversation, but I wanted to get back to Neptune fer a sec. or to be specific the way you pay as I did not go all the way, after I had ordered.
So my question is to those who went all the way:"Did you give out your cc infos with the 3-digit cwc-code over the phone OR were you guided to a payment site instead??".
I mean if it was option no.1, what's stopping him from using this info when his seed bank goes bust?! I might be painting the devil on the wall here, but as two old muppets on the balcony says:"Better shaved than boring"
Ehh jst use gift card or net spend
That way you know you wont get robbed

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Yea..good point Randodred...though still interested in hearing from peeps that have used cc's there!

I just used my credit card there last night, paid via cc link they send in an email. Followed the directions, they sent me an email saying the seeds would go out the next day, within 15mins. I received an email with a tracking number a couple hours ago!! Seeds should be here Wednesday or Thursday, I'll let you know/post pics!
I choose this bank because of the reviews I've found across my Web searches, their prices, and the fact I could use a cc!
I ordered mosca negra beans legend ogk, and helio ogk! I will definitely be ordering more if this goes well.
I have more faith in the seed banks that have a real time list of the number of seed packs for each strain. One seed bank has had 2 packs of a certain strain of Thug Pug for long time....two packs with the two words: cherry pie or mendo breath are not going to last more than a day or two. Say Neptune how many packs of #@##$$ do you have.? Sorry about the $#@$ ... I am still trying to decide if I am going to let my curiosity of the whole Dosidos thing get the best of me.