I use not FedEx and not USPS.

USPS - aint worth loosing my property over a weed plant, if ya know what I'm sayin.
I'm old school remember the 70s and 80s. Don't need no feds following a shipment to me.

Don't use FedEx or UPS. Their terms & conditions allow them to search your packages without your consent. USPS has to have your consent to search the package. Google it if you are curious.
I hear ya. USPS also is funded by the federal government. Cannabis is still a schedule 1 drug at that level. You get caught you go to jail and loose your home and property.

UPS or FedEx just steals my gear.

Pick your poison. It's pretty clear to me.
You get caught you go to jail and loose your home and property.
Interesting, I was under the impression that one cannot be prosecuted for buying seeds, since there is no TCH in the seeds. You will only loose the seeds, and some seed companies will ship again for free if that happens.
I may be wrong in my thinking, not the first time.
it's horrible ! I have made many orders - but this is the first time! package is empty! completely empty! without packaging and without seeds! At the moment I am waiting for a photo from the Neptune seed bank with my order - what my order looked like before it was sent to the address! shipping $50 and no notice!!!
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You in the USA?? IF so the postal service got you bro maybe even your local delivery person. If out of USA customs prolly got it. Sorry to see
Nabbed at customs. I would use a local seed bank like Herbies. I've got seeds nabbed by customs coming from EU after that I only order from USA seed banks. Its not illegal to sell and send seeds in the USA. That wont keep someone from stealing tho. When I got mine taken at customs coming into the USA (cross boarder is illegal) they left me a thankyou note.
Nabbed at customs. I would use a local seed bank like Herbies. I've got seeds nabbed by customs coming from EU after that I only order from USA seed banks. Its not illegal to sell and send seeds in the USA. That wont keep someone from stealing tho. When I got mine taken at customs coming into the USA (cross boarder is illegal) they left me a thankyou note.
I myself have sent to the US many times and received packages from the US many times! there is such a suspicion, maybe it was empty initially when sending!?
You got ripped bro... likely local to you. What I've found is customs flags certain addresses that mail originates from. The package gets checked ... contents gone.
You got ripped bro... likely local to you. What I've found is customs flags certain addresses that mail originates from. The package gets checked ... contents gone.
Yup this is it*

Kinda of similar to what the dude above just dealt with but other side of the pond-when all of us in the USA mostly ordered thru attitude before the flood of online US banks popping everywhere(with a lot of states going medical and rec easing restrictions and laws against cannabis) sometimes packages got snagged or some opened up and rifled thru at customs. My buddy did a big order thru attitude like 10 years ago and when the package arrived he could tell it had been opened and went thru and then resealed, customs didn't get his beans because he went and paid extra for the discreet packaging attitude offered.
Sent quickly after payment - so fast that it's suspicious! I request a photo in accordance with the terms posted on the store's website - they do not send! $ 50 - delivery without guarantees! it seems that sending to us occurs initially with empty mail packets! The first one is sealed, and the second inner package is cut and sent to the customer, and all that remains is to sin for delivery, convenient!

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