Netflix Movie: The end of the Road.


Well-Known Member
Just got done watching the Movie "The end of the Road" on Netflix

It's a Documentary about what happened, happening to the Global economy and the USA.
Get's down to the source of this Global financial break down. Right to the root cause.

What I liked about this Movie. Is it is not political. Just got down to explaining where, when and how. We all ended up in this shit hole economy.
Lot of this info I already new. Since, I grew up in the 60's to present time. So, I have seen this happening over my life time.
If you don't understand or even think you know how Currency, Finance, Economies work.
Worth watching. Only 55 min. long. Might learn something and make you think.

Any case it's a nightmare with no easy fix.:wall:


Well-Known Member
watch collapse. same shit but better
Yep..found it on Netflix... I have seen that movie too.
Deals with Oil / Industrial collapse.

I think the whole Global world is Fuck and there is no straight fix.

Enough of the Doom and Gloom. Time to smoke a few bowls.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie