Never Drinking Hard Liquor Again


"That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are!"
Made a gay doods evening, he's cool.. I like spongebob so sue me...

besides I really just wanted to drop a Larry the Cable Guy quote...
what's it matter that he's gay? :?

i'm on the phone with my lawyer as i type this. :fire:

lol it doesn't matter, did I make it seem like it did?... I read the thread, it came up, I referenced it.... I'm not gay, but I'll admit I have gay parents and lots of gay friends... and I'm a very happy centered person...
lol it doesn't matter, did I make it seem like it did?... I read the thread, it came up, I referenced it.... I'm not gay, but I'll admit I have gay parents and lots of gay friends... and I'm a very happy centered person...

wait, what thread? :?

i thought we were all just razzing each other. :)
It matters to him. He likes to follow me around different threads and tell everyone I'm gay. Then he claims I mention it 90% of the time. It's kind of cute. :)

so you're still in denial, eh?

it was you who brought it up. "several times". several times when it wasn't even relevant to the topic. it's why i'm giving you such a hard time about it. you brought this all on yourself. i'm not homophobic. you're life has no effect on me. do whatever you want. it is you who is bothered by ALL of this. i find it funny that it bothers you so much, so i continue.

i'm "fucking with you" dude.



you're too easy.