New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Improved Pulled Pork with Caramelized Apple and Onion Compote recipe…

View attachment 5377756

Added some crushed fried onions on top, protect the inside of the top of the bread a little from soaking up the compote. Didn’t do much for taste.

Edit, hadn’t noticed post above yet… Cheers Pooh!
Is that potato salad with a buttload of chopped pickles on top? My kinda potato salad!
Biscuits and gravy for breakfast, no pics because I was too busy stuffing it down my gullet. MMMMMmmm. The couch looks really comfy now.
I made a big ass omelette yesterday and bacon sandwiches this morning. And yes lots of couch time as I am suffering from gout and plantar fasciitis in my right foot. But I did manage to change the kitchen faucet ( that was a real pita ) .
Planning cube steak with mashed potatoes and English peas for supper…. meals like this is when I miss my mom’s and grandma’s biscuits, I can make a descent biscuit but it’s just not the same.