Well-Known Member
These are fabric root pots so holes aren't part of the equation ... I'll have to do some research to see if letting them sit in liquid is a good idea ... I tend to think not but what do I know.I did all that to this plant in a 5 gal pot. After watering it had about 3 gal. Here are pics right after repotting and today on my sip tray. I have issues with top watering all the time. Wish I had put holes before it recovered. Maybe you could put some fresh soil on top.
In the spirit of helicopter parents past and future I decided to take some immediate action besides the up potting. Took a screw driver and aerated the root masses. Made up a gallon mixture of moderate nutes and with a barbecue marinade injector pushed some of it directly into the root mass. Then slowly top watered only the space around the stems with the remainder so the new, moist soil around the sides wouldn't get any additional moisture or nutes.
Fingers crossed
The new crowded look

Curled down

Yellowing of old leaves