New booty in search for tips.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
I'll definitely follow this...I have about half the equip you do in a 30x30x60 tent and in Phx as well.

One thing I don't see is if you punched holes in the bottoms of your solo cups for drainage. I don't see any in the last pic set you posted...and if you forgot to do that on your first set, that could easily be the culprit. I had autos in solo cups and transplanted to 1 gal pots after 2 weeks. Kept the cups moist, not wet and kept a baggy over their tops for first 7 days and periodically took them off a couple times a day.


Well-Known Member
I'll definitely follow this...I have about half the equip you do in a 30x30x60 tent and in Phx as well.

One thing I don't see is if you punched holes in the bottoms of your solo cups for drainage. I don't see any in the last pic set you posted...and if you forgot to do that on your first set, that could easily be the culprit. I had autos in solo cups and transplanted to 1 gal pots after 2 weeks. Kept the cups moist, not wet and kept a baggy over their tops for first 7 days and periodically took them off a couple times a day.
I definitely punched drainage holes in these as well as the first ones. I have the humidifier keeping everything in there at a steady 68% so I don’t wanna risk damping them off with baggies or domes. I kept the first 6 in solos with domes over them, and they seemed to have gotten suffocated by them as well as by overwatering.
I’m taking it easier on the water this time, and only watering every few days or after top 2 inches of soil is dry.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
I definitely punched drainage holes in these as well as the first ones. I have the humidifier keeping everything in there at a steady 68% so I don’t wanna risk damping them off with baggies or domes. I kept the first 6 in solos with domes over them, and they seemed to have gotten suffocated by them as well as by overwatering.
I’m taking it easier on the water this time, and only watering every few days or after top 2 inches of soil is dry.
I was sure you did, but just wanted to mention it just in case. I water mine like every 4 days or so...whenever the solo feels light. Overwatering is so easy.


Well-Known Member
I was sure you did, but just wanted to mention it just in case. I water mine like every 4 days or so...whenever the solo feels light. Overwatering is so easy.
Haha definitely man, it’s super frustrating. If only I can get them out of this stage and into veg, I’ll be happy.


Well-Known Member

The 3 Auto Money Maker seedlings have been in the tent for 4 days now. The seedling in the middle cup, is the one that sprouted first, and has been doing the best so far. The one on the left is lagging behind a bit, but still looks like she might make it. The one on the right however, has not shown any growth or improvement, since I first moved them from one tray to the other after their 4 day since sprout. I have not added any nutes, just been watering every 2-3 days with 6.5-7 PH’d water. today I watered until a few drops of runoff, and will be checking the next few days until they are ready for another watering, in which I will include a 1/2 or 1/4 dose of General Organics Bio Root. I’ve heard good things about that product and I hope it helps these babies develop a healthy root system quicker.



Well-Known Member
Fed the babies today with distilled water mixed with a 1/4 dose of General Organics Bio Root. The middle plant looks to still be doing the best, but the one on the right which I thought wouldn’t pull through, has finally started to throw out more leaves. This has been their 2nd watering since going into the solo cups on monday. They are 10 days old since sprout.

One thing I’m concerned about on the healthiest middle plant, is that the stem was already so stretched when I moved it to the solo, that it still stuck out about and inch and a half. I dont think it will collapse before I transplant to it’s final home, 5 gal fabric growbag, so I think it wouldn’t be worth the risk of trying to do anything about it now.



Well-Known Member
Day 12:

The babies are looking really healthy! They seem to be loving the fresh air getting pumped in thanks to the exhaust fan working more often after i adjusted the thermostat switch a bit lower, and cranked the heater at home a couple of degrees higher. Temps in the tent are now around 75-78F and humidity at 66-70%. The healthiest one has started to develop a beefier stem after the cotyledons, so I decided to give it a lil toothpick splint until I can transplant it to it’s final home tomorrow or wednesday. The other two should be fine for now. I’ll post another update after transplant.



Well-Known Member
Two of the babies are now in their permanent 5gal grow bags. The seedling which came up two days later is still in it’s solo, but will be transplanted by the end of the week. After transplant I watered them with 6.5 ph’d distilled water and a 1/4 dose of bio root, which really made their roots blow up! I wish I woulda snapped a pic of the beautiful healthy roots these babies were developing in the cups!

I added in the 400W LED for the lil ones in the bags, and kept the small LED grow light for the seedling. The temps in the tent went up about 5-8 degrees Farenheit after I added in the 400W LED. Luckily, it is very manageable, and the exhaust fan is doing it’s job.

I also got this pest control stuff that a lot of people swear by.. I will add it into their feedings starting next week. Any suggestions on using this stuff or other pest control methods, let me know!

PS. I know the fan in the pics isn’t on, the one next to the light out of frame, is.


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Well-Known Member
Day 17 since sprout and all three are now in their 5 gal bags. The runt I transplanted today, had decent roots, but the dirt clump fell apart during transplant. Expecting her to take a few days to recover, but she’s already perking up!

: Auto Money Maker, Indica.
: Mendocino Farms
: FFOF, FFHF, Vermiculite, DTE- Bio Live.
: 6.5Ph 48-hour tap.
: General Hydroponics Flora Gro, Flora Micro, Bio Root, and Calmag.
: 400W LED



Well-Known Member
setup looks clean. one thing about the inkbird i would keep at least some exhaust running at all times especially during flower. I own one of those inkbird thermostat heater/cooling controller and couldn't figure out a way to keep my exhaust from turning off for long periods during lights out and plants need air exchange even in the dark. I've thought about having a small 4" exhaust that runs on low 24/7 and then having the inkbird hooked up to my main 6" exhaust to kick on and off as needed. i think that would be ideal.

tl:dr keep exhaust on 24/7


Well-Known Member
setup looks clean. one thing about the inkbird i would keep at least some exhaust running at all times especially during flower. I own one of those inkbird thermostat heater/cooling controller and couldn't figure out a way to keep my exhaust from turning off for long periods during lights out and plants need air exchange even in the dark. I've thought about having a small 4" exhaust that runs on low 24/7 and then having the inkbird hooked up to my main 6" exhaust to kick on and off as needed. i think that would be ideal.

tl:dr keep exhaust on 24/7
Yea I def noticed that the thermo-switch doesnt kick on because the temps remain lower at night due to the LED not being on. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I ordered a second 4” exhaust fan to keep air moving through the tent constantly as recommended. Meanwhile, I used one of my 5” desk fans to blow some air out of one of the duct holes. It actually works well, as there’s negative pressure on the walls of the tent when closed. I also obviously opened a second duct hole on the bottom of the tent which faces the wall, so there’s no risk of light getting in, but it allows air to flow in nicely. The plants loved the fresh air, and perked up nicely overnight.



Well-Known Member
Day 19: Plants are looking healhty. No sign of flowering yet, but it should be coming in the next week or two. Everything I’ve read about this auto-flower strain sais flowering beging around 3rd or 4th week. The biggest plant is really starting to stretch her legs.

Fed today with: 1ml of Bio Root, 1/2ml of calmag, 1ml of FloraGro, and 1ml of FloraMicro in one gal of 48 hour tap water.



Well-Known Member
Day 22: The biggest plant has now started to have longer thinner leaves than the other two. Probably a random seem the seedbank threw in there. Hoping that if it’s not an auto, it’s atleast a fem. I have not seen any pistils or hairs forming yet, which is also worrying me a bit, since these autos are supposed to be starting to show signs of flower already.

