Red, The best recommendation you will get here is to buy a book. The book recommendation I have is "Marijuana Horticulture" by Jorge Cervantes to start; there are others. Greg Green's "The Cannabis Grow Bible" is another.
There are knowledgeable, well meaning people here but yahoos too. Why trust random people's opinion on the internet?
Otherwise "Google" your questions. Read the published literature. Try "Youtube" for visuals...FWIW...Good luck
I know when using coco for other organics I had calcium issues, but Epsom salt is to fix this, but many researches show the coco sucks the Epsom in but doesn't push it back out, any info on this?
If you buy a book like this, keep in mind, a lot of it is outdated.
Books are good for some research but that is about it.
No amount of reading can replace growing yourself.
There has been more research and testing and experimenting done in the past 5 years than there has been in the past several hundred years on cannibas.
If you can attach a link to the post ill just go ahead and order it so I have it.
I'm asking the best method to cool the lights I feel I may have temp issues, the plants will do better with less temp
I'm not aware of what coco is, please explain that, thanks
To answer your questions, I do not smoke bud; this will be my retirement fun. Something new, doing something new and learning will give my brain something new to do.
I also intend to do this as a business, grow 8-10 plants, soon upgrade to 2 tents and 1 hydro tent so I will have a harvest monthly. But first I need experience.. I have a friend that I use to golf with at the club in West Palm Beach who use to own 2 full grow houses with over 250-350 plants per house that was raided in 03 because he let the wrong person in his inner circle.
So now he's out of the business but I am sure I could pick his brain but at the same time I don't want anyone getting the idea I have a grow room which will break my security.
Right now I have a 4 BR home with 16 cameras, cameras I have up were from two years ago. I'm currently removing two in the hall way of the grow room just for my safety.
But again you can see, I like to over do anything i do.
How much heat does it remove from the light if I do it that way? I just arrived in Long Island now, I'm heading to my hotel room so ill look on YouTube in a little
I'm ordering the lights now and the 400,600 and 800 watt light doesn't have a huge difference in price ... So tell me; is it worth having the 1k if growing 6-8 plants in my tent? I mean I hear and read were people say 1000 per plant but that's a lot when your growing in a tent, I personally have no experience but if the whole idea is to mimic the sun, nothing will really work as the sun unless using a HMI, a 1.2k HMI is the truest form of true sun replication. My earlier years i worked as a film editor for many many many years, worked on a lot of Hollywood film sets, this will be my 2nd time retiring
But I want to make decent amount of money. If my concerns are hear, and security from choppers then going to a 1k is just putting a bullet in my head... If heat was a concern, then I'd have really made a poor mistake...
Or I can use the 400, grow for my first 3 months, if I have susscess I can upgrade to a 1k or not or buy another 400 and just have 2 tents... Just a thought
So what I need is a inline fan to connect to my light. Thinking of buying a 4" TD series inline fan 100 CFM