New Grow AK 47 Auto's, Blue himalaya Auto's and Short stuff mix Auto's.


Active Member
Nice one. I will have a go at reducing the water. Bought myself an RO unit that will be here tomorrow so will change all the resevoir's tomorrow and see what happens.
Thanks again for all the help, oh and i checked out your vid, nice grow man.


Well-Known Member
the ro water will help.. there could be lock out issues from stuff in your water also.. hopefully those two things will get yoru problem fixed up..

thanks bro..


Active Member
I am currently growing normal strains but would like to add auto flowers into my closet for an extra harvest(or early harvest)i have been leaning toward the blue himalaya,is it difficult at all compared to the others.they say blueberry is sensitive to nutrients.also would budding my seeds from like a week after germination produce the same or a similar result(short plants and faster harvest by cutting the veg time)


Active Member
The blue himalaya is the ones i am having problems with. They don't seem to like alot of water. They grow well tho and are flowering. Will see if reducing the flood cycle helps. I tried blueberryXAK47 AUTO's before and found them good but am struggling a bit with these ones


Active Member
So the bluexak47 is easier than blue himalaya?because i really liked the idea of the nyc diesel being in the mix.


Active Member
So the bluexak47 is easier than blue himalaya?because i really liked the idea of the nyc diesel being in the mix.
Yeah the bluexak is easier. it must be the ak that makes it less fussy plus it's a good smoke. The himalaya is growing but if you look at the pics(it's in the white tray with all the pebbles) it's got a yellow tinge to it while the others in the same tank, which are AK47, seem to be great. i have got a male and female himalaya in a seperate grow space which i plan to seed so will be growing it again. Think next time tho i will not mix strains in tanks so i can regulate nutes and water better as it's difficult with different strains in the same tank which need different levels.
The blue himalaya should be ready to crop mid dec so will give a smoke report then, hopefully tho it should be good


Well-Known Member
rule of thumb is never to mix strains when you are using one resavoir, you never know what to expect, If the yellowing continues I would suspect a nitrogen deficiency which is really easy to fix, only problem is you've them beatiful AK's sittin' in there. It's all good trial and error, live and learn it's how we're all doing it! Good luck man, im placing an order for some Blue himalaya diesel soon, so im interested to see how this turns out! Happy growing!!



Active Member
I wasn't planning on mixing the strains but got over excited and forgot which is which. They are getting some colour back now. hopefully they won't be too fucked up.


Well-Known Member
i grew 6 strains on my last grow with no problems at all...

i think, at least in my experience.. you have to find a middle ground.. where some might be slightly burnt.. and some might be slightly def.. but its not enough either way to cause problems in the end...

ive also grown a long time and have a ton of information on strains.. its easy to start telling if x number of strains with work ok together due to their needs after you do some research and a few grows of different strains..


Active Member
I've been thinking about the yellowing of the leaves, i had been spraying them with liquid light 2-3 times a week. Would that cause the colour?? Anyone else use it and got the same thing??
i've got rid of all the males and have about 20 flowering girls now. Plus i have a female and male seperate and will hopefully get some seeds from that.
I will add some new pics later.


Active Member
The female i pollenated is looking good plus the other ones are getting better. Altogether i have 25 fems from 40 seeds!! not had time to add pics but will do soon


Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about liquid light.. but spraying plants with lights on can cause issues like burning.. it may cause discoloration.. but that i cant be sure of.. stop the spray for a few days and see if things improve...

thats not a bad ratio of males to females... you can't be too upset with it.. although everyone wants more females! it sucks that auto fem'd seeds are so much.. ill be pissed if i end up with any males from my fems..


Active Member
Yeah i'm pleased with the ratio!!
They are doing well now!! Been away for 6 days and had to leave my mrs to deal with the girls.
Have to say i came and they look great.
Take a look at the pics



Well-Known Member
Looking Great! Bet that smells nice and fruity in there :hump:...What is your reflective material on the walls called? I have some buddies who use the same stuff and I ALWAYS forget to ask...must be the pot :dunce:...Is it you get it at just most like comercial hardware stores..
i.e.-home-cheapo, Lowes, sears etc.

thanks much! :peace:

-moose :leaf:


Active Member
The stuff on the walls is a double coated bubble wrap. Can't remember what it was called. It's insulation for lofts so you have to be careful with the temps.
They are smelling lovely. i took 2 out on sunday as i was tired of the rubbish stuff about round here so will be sampling that soon