New Grow, New Problems!


Active Member
Nice to see you again mates! Well, I rent a new house and begin to grow my lovely ones! Its 6 plants so far, 2 Northern Lights Feminized, 2 Super Skunk Feminized and 2 White Skunk. Its been 10 days after they apear their first leafs and somehow the problems began.

In the following pictures you can see some of the plants show them selfs healthy and 2 of them have yellow spots in the leafs (one is White Skunk and one is Super Skunk Feminized). Why this happened? I have flushed only with water and 1 time, only, I mix water and BIO BIZZ Root Juice. Now I'm afraid to use Bio Bizz so I continue to irrigate with tap water.

It's healthier to use tap water or sterile water?

Also I must tell you that I have high temperature in the room. Unfortunatelly the temp is 35 to 37 Celsium degrees when the light is ON and 25 to 28 when the light is OFF. The bad news is that I cannot do anything about that. I have CoolTube but the room don't have any window, is room for laundry (washing machine). Only have drainage for dirty water.



Well-Known Member
I would age your water overnight if you must use tap water. Also man the temps have got to come down, thats Really hot man. I know you said you cant lower temps but theres always a way. run some duct to the nearest window and hook up a pc fan to it to get some fresh air in there.


Well-Known Member
No good bro 37 deg. You will get nothing. Get two large fans to move the air around properly, leave the laundry door open at all times, run the light for veg- 7pm till 11am, and flower- 10pm till 10am, the coolest times of the day. Is there a manholeetc to exhaust some of this rediculously hot air out?


Well-Known Member
Just making sure ,where is the thermometer, is it in direct light,or in shaded part of room?


Active Member
Thank for the quicks anwsers mates!

Well the thinks are...

As you can see in my second picture the room is only 2x2 (maybe less than 2 metres). The photo taken from the door, so you can see the other 3 walls of the square room. If you see more carefully in this picture, about in the center of it is the thermometer. I have 2 of them, the second is on the door, in the same height. The 2 thermometers have a second sensor and I poot them to tubs. There the temperature is lower, about 2 to 4 degrees lower.

I cannot leave the door open because there is a cat in my house and I if the door is open, when I am in work, I know the little hairy roomate of mine will break everythink in that room. Also he will crap in every tub! :D If you have a cat in your house, maybe you be able to understand the situation.
I think, but it is scary me a lot, to chase away the warm air, using cooltube and exhaust, from the drainage. I fear for the smell, but I have to try it!

The lamp is on at 1 A.M. to 7 P.M. (18 hours per day). I prefer the night hours for cheaper electric power and because the night I sleep and the day I'm on work, so nobody is in the house, and nobody will see the grow room. The rest hours of day the light is OFF and I'm there. Also that hours help me for watering. The light is OFF at 7 p.m., I'm waiting about 2-3 hours and then I irrigate the flowers.
I use tap water but this is permantly. From the next watering I will use destilled water for better results.

What is the perfect temperature when the light in ON and the perfect temp when the light is OFF?

As you can see in the second picture also I have a fan, I use it to strengthen the tree trunks, there is no widow for fresh air. I think the only way is to ise drainage to drive the hot air off.

Really thank you for your prompt anwsers!


Active Member
unfortunatly man the heat issue is ur bigest issue i was watching one of jorge crevantes vids on utube, hes some ganja god if u aint heard of him, basicly he thinks anythink above 85 and it just want grow properly if at atall, now i no u can grow in higher temps just by my own experience but if i hit 30c i am flappin like a bird, so upto 37c phew, make this ur number one priority if u want to gain decent yields ! peace !


Active Member
Yes I know Cervantes, not personally :p, I have his DVD realease :D hehe..
I have some grows in the past using temp up to 38 degrees C. I know this is very high temp, but I see the plants flowering as weel as they can! But there the room was big enough to makes circuit it selfs. Also in Jorge videos you see big rooms. In that room I using now there is not enought space, so the air is less and hotter!

At last, today I will try to use drainage to keep off the hot air, using cooltube and a handmade way to unite the cooltube with the drainage.

Results, temps and photos tomorrow!


Active Member
Back with news..

Well see what I have done.. :D

With that I try to avoid the high temperature but to be honest there no success at all. The temp remains 36-38 degrees Celsium when the light is on.

Any ideas?


Active Member
its been a month and a half. I just turn the light to 12/12 . new photos, no problems at the moment. :)


Mister Black

Active Member
This is very encouraging as I have heat problems too. Ambient temps in the room are 29 degrees C but under lights it is 32-34 degrees. Seeing the growth you have achieved in such heated conditions has given me a lot of hope.


Active Member
its my second grow with maximum heat. there is no problem at all, I think with to muck heat the plants cant give the maximum crop, but I not sure about that. I have problems with yellow leafs but I use a fertilizer in the yellow leaves, with more iron, and the problem went away. The instructions say fertilizer and foliar spray, but I only use it with watering the roots. Ι also changed the water from the tap water Ι use now put distilled water.

the maximum degreess this time is 37 C ., when the light is on. I know this is very high but everithing seams to look OK. In fact there no other choise or option. I try to remove the heat (and smell) from drainage of the house, as you saw in the photos I uploaded but I do not have the desired row result, at least something good is happening .. :) they are still growing

I beleive every single plant is female!! I'm not so happy, because I wanted at least one of them to be male. Now is six plants, all of them female, is SOD. There is no enought room for every plant.

Waiting and see...


Active Member
Well 2 months have passed from the day they were born but not yet shown what sex is.This is reasonable? Usually in 1 to 1and a half months shows their sex.

closed months I turned the light on to 12/12.

I have too
much humidity in the area, about 80 to 90% indicates the hygrometer and the walls are wet!
ot much bother their health is perhaps for this reason have not yet shown their sex;


Active Member
Could you look these pictures.

I think somethink is wrong, the plants are two months old and there are only few buds. Although they look healthy they dont grow more buds, in experience they should be more blooming, more flowering so far
The temp is about 30 C when the light is on and 19 C when off. The humidity is 80 to 90 % up all the time! This is wrong? watered with deionized water and fertilizer use biobizz. I have used biobizz all the times succesfully.


PS) sorry I forget. Marry Xmass to all! :)


Active Member
well the harvest time is close enough .. some photos...

white skunk

super skunk feminized

northern lights feminized

white skunk

northern lights feminized

I know about yellow leaves but I can't do nothing about. That always happened to me and I think I do something wrong with the pH of the plants.

The Super Skunk Feminized are ready, I just flushed them with water and then harvest. The other two (northern lights feminized and white skunk) seems to need one month more. There are pass 4 months (1 month for growing and 3 months for flowering) is that OK?

ps the photos are taken just 7 days before the plants complete 4 months

Mister Black

Active Member
It is apparent that your plants have been heat stressed but the brown leaves look more like direct burn from lights rather than generalised heat stress. I think that high temps are ok as long as you have good air flow and Co2 added.


Active Member
I believe I don't have good airflow. Unfortunately the room hasn't any window and the door is always closed. I think the plants are breathe the very own CO2that they miscarry. The room has exhaust to the outside and inwards gets through the cracks of the door.

Mister Black

Active Member
I believe I don't have good airflow. Unfortunately the room hasn't any window and the door is always closed. I think the plants are breathe the very own CO2that they miscarry. The room has exhaust to the outside and inwards gets through the cracks of the door.
Fix up a bottle of yeast,water,sugar for Co2 at the very least. I'm growing in high temp conditions. Higher than is recomended for weed and the Co2 addition made a really big difference.

There are step by step tutorials for making Co2 in various ways in the DIY section.


Active Member
Thanx mate!
I never thought that can I make CO2 by myself. I found a tutorial and it seems very easy. I read that we use baking yeast to make CO2 but it has about 3 weeks life, then you have to do another bottle. My question is, when I use it? I mean the bottle must be always in the grow room producing CO2 and every 3 week I have to renew the bottle? It is OK for my plants to feed always with CO2?
I also have high temp in my grow room, higher than recommended for plants, like you, sometimes up to 37o Celsius!

Yesterday I cut 3 plants! Two Super Skunk Feminized and the one Northern Light Feminized are grow enough to make me happy!! Now waiting them to dry and then test ! :)