New grower looking for feedback


Hi all... after reading RIU for a few months I decided to start my own grow. The veg chamber is 2 totes stacked and the center cut out with one exhaust fan. I am using 6 26 watt cfls soon to be more(couldn't make it to the store today) The flower chamber is a box 26x26 and 35 high. With 8 "soft" 26 watt and 2 daylight 26 watters. I have been using Humbolt Nutrients 3 part mix for a month and a half.

Both plants broke soil 8/14
One I started one month and a week ago
The other I started a week and 3 days ago
Both are lst'd

One is a month and a week
One jus broke soil today
Two more are about to pop

Thank you for looking any feedback will be appreciated and any questions will be answered.


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You have a SLIGHT salt buildup, notice the large ridges on the curving baby indicator. But aside from that, very well done friend :-) impressive use of cfl's and keeping your bud zone in range. With care like that you can be sure to enjoy many lovely harvests to come. You should be proud


Thanks a lot I was woundering what that was it was probably from when it was in the cup and I was using nutes from when it was little. I don't nute my seedlings anymore. Also I was looking at the one that has been in flower and I was noticing that it has seed pods starting to form. I was curious if it will effect the other one?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Are they seed pods or hermy flowers? If there are seeds, then it means there are flowers somewhere. If there ARE flowers, yes it will pollinate the other plants. Can you take pics of the seed pod areas?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I dont SEE any signs in there of hermy or male flowers. Just monitor it carefully. If you see little yellow bananas popping out, very carefully remove the plant amd bring it to the guilotine


Hello all. Thought I would update...

I started lst and trimmed a few fan leafs off my sour d. Every day I try to tighten the canopy on the plant that has been flowering for two weeks. I'm pretty sure its a female. Which makes my growing attempts 2/2. My other plant has been flowering for 6 weeks. I began to notice the fan leafs purpling. Not really sure why? Mabie my off temps are low and causing the purpling.

As always thanks for looking.



This plant has been 9 weeks sence 12/12 switch. I see faint purple in the buds. IMG_20111128_190407.jpgIMG_20111128_190133.jpgIMG_20111128_190244.jpgIMG_20111128_190420.jpgIMG_20111128_190232.jpgIMG_20111128_190433.jpgIMG_20111128_190118.jpgThinking about harvisting this week sometime. What do you guys think?

IMG_20111128_190544.jpgIMG_20111128_190454.jpgI think this one has been 5 weeks in 12/12. pink hairs

Thanks for looking please leave feedback I love it!


Well-Known Member
I think maybe you should wait just a little is hard to not wait, not waiting has caused me some serious gaps with no smoke, so try to wait and get every little bit you can, that is just my opinion...If they were mine I would be ready to harvest, but again just because I can't


Yeah I dont know. Its my first grow and some trics are clowdy and some are still new. Im trying to wait it out.