new grower..need expert advice!!


Active Member
we're been trying to grow indoors but our last few attempts were not successful :(

this is our third time trying and at first the babies looked like they were not gonna make it due to insufficient or no lighting coz we were growing it in the balcony and it rained alot.

we can't afford any high-tech stuff only we went out and got a couple of 36watts, a bottle of miracle gro and a box of aluminum foil..then we built a make-shift growroom using our clothes rack in the bedroom..

our questions are:

here's our babies at 3 mths old (1 mth only with the flouros and growroom + miracle gro)..they were grown from seedlings in peatpots then transferred into organic soil mix with sand pebbles.

they are about 20+" and beginning to bloom like never before after the lighting and miracle grow..

here are some pics..are they flowering already??? or are those just leaves? and can anyone tell the variety or species yet?



Well-Known Member
pics are poor but looks like they are not flowering yet...its impossible to tell the strain, only if its sativa or indica dominated...


Well-Known Member
I can hardly make it out, but it seems at least the first pic is a female. The first picture has a couple of tiny buds right? with a pointy top and a little looking hair coming out of it?


Well-Known Member
it looks as though it could be a female. change it to 18/6 lighting and waiting off or change it to 12/12 if you want to. is that tinfoil in the background?if it is make sure its the back of tinfoil the dull backside cause if not the light will reflect off the reflective side and burn your plants!


Active Member
thanks! been using the shiny side of the tinfoil coz we thought that would reflect more light since we're only using 36watts flouros..but have made changes since ur advice:)

will do the 18/6 as well..before this we were doing 24..

we're really hoping for a female..have added 1 more pic..hope it helps a bit more


Well-Known Member
plain white reflective surface would only be better for a clear type bulb, but if he is goin to be using a clouded glass bulb like a high output fluorescent then mylar or the dull side of tin foil would be a bit better.


Active Member
yeah, its got hairs coming out of it but we thought it was just more leafs..but it would be cool if our baby is a female:)


Active Member
it has been 3 days since we changed 18/6 to 12/12 and have also stopped the nutes..but the plants have stopped growing completely:( what does this mean???