New grower. Need help


Active Member
So I will want to suck air in from outside through the lights and right back outside like a closed loop system? And run that the entire time the lights are on? And also a 6 inch sucking heat and humity from the top and outside air in but those ones only on temp gauges to keep a steady temp?


New Member
yes closed loop for your lights separate from grow environment. as i said about 1oz a 2 liter sometimes more sometimes less. my elec costs 11.8 cents a kwh. no need to vent if your running co2 you will bring enough air with you if you leave the door open to breath. you want to have a co2 schedule that has evenly spaced exposure time fast you want to inoculate the room quikley in about 10 min is best and refill about every 3 hours. when it comes to venting you want intake cool aiir from as low a point as possible and expel air from light level or canopy level to allow hot air to rise and escape


Well-Known Member
Yes. I'm finishing cleaning up my room right now. But soon I will be posting another vid in the link in my sig. That's of my room. Been busy so haven't updated in a while so it's time. You will see everything I needed to do in a 2600w 7x14x9 room. In the meantime search CGE rooms. That's the best way to use Co2. But costly


New Member
thank you thats an exerpt from my book i am working on that info is from the records keeping section basically every thing in italics is to be deleted and refilled with your information. the feeding schedule was actually a table but it wouldn't let me include the table. there are 8 parts to my record keeping. not all of them have to done every day about once a week labels for plant and instructions on how to read them are very important.

these are the 8 sections:


Well-Known Member
Update my grow room thread. Check out the vid and it will give you a idea of what I'm talking about. Page 3 is the new vid.
Link is my sig.


Active Member
Ok well I just got home from home depot with an 8 inch fan and 2 attachment to connect a loop from window thru lights and back to window. Me seeds started germinating yesterday so I still have a few days or week until I need the room. I am taking all these ideas to make the best room I can the first time. So I appreciate all the input. Thank you for all the help. Hopefully one day I will be the one answering questions and helping some new guy like me get the best room he can.


Well-Known Member
Hay us old grower learn from new and old alike. Just cuz we been growing for years dosnt mean we know much. Just that we can keep our plants alive. Lol. Best of luck to ya. Keep us updated.


Active Member
Thank you. Keeping them alive is half the battle right? I am still kind of confused with the exhaust air and fresh air. I bought the exhale co2 bags so I think someone wrote that I won't need to exhaust much as long as I leave the door open? I set up the fan just to cool lights closed loop system. I also have 2 other fans, one to pump out old humid air from top and one to bring in fresh air from bottom. How often should I run those fans? At the same time? Maybe just 10 minutes each hour or every 2 hours? That's where I'm getting confused. Because I have the co2 bags I don't want to suck out all the good co2 with my vent also.


Well-Known Member
No. If you plan on useing Co2 at the levels I think you are looking for all you need is the one for you lights and 1 set for temp to take out the hot air. Plants breath Co2 so that's all you need. But for you to be in there it needs to be under 1600 ppm. In a normal room changing air is needed to keep Co2 levels around 300 ppm (normal air). I love the exhale bags. I have 3. It will keep it at 300 ppm even if sealed. Just need to get rid of hot air. But if you want to bring in freash cool air from outside you realy will be wasting money on Co2. Cuz in that aspect you bring outside air in and take more air out. Co2 levels will almost never go above. 400ppm. It's a tuff decision. But go one way and both can be changed to the other. Trying to do both will only waste money.


Well-Known Member
cut the room in half, and scrog your two genos separately. use the other half to store materials, mix nutes.....whatever. you can be more efficient with your lumens that way.


Active Member
I would rather keep the co2 levels high for the plants. So I will only suck out hot air when I have to. I am hoping to grow like 15 plants at once so if I can fit them in half the room that might be a good idea. I could either use less lights or get more lumens also the co2 levels would be higher. Is there a co2 level that will be too high and kill them or shorten yield?


Well-Known Member
I've done both set ups. The lethal dose of Co2 for a plant will kill you in minutes. That's the reason behind the 1500 ppm. They can take 2000 but you can't take more then 1800. If your like me I don't have a ppm reader but if your ears start ringing get out and leave door open. For some reason we will breath normal but ringing is a tail tail sign. I will try to help you the best I can. Use my video the best you can and pm me. I will help you on both styles of room. I'm not a master grower so have yet to figur out how to bring freash air in and keep Co2. That's why I said pick one or the other. Each have a positive and a negative.


Active Member
Thank you very much. That makes me a bit more confident that I won't kill my entire first crop. My main reason for growing is I live in MA and we don't have medical weed or anything and my mother was just diagnosed with cancer and starts chemo in a few weeks do I wanted to grow it in case she needed it or something. She is not the type that ever would but in case she wanted to try and she would never never try to buy it do I wanted to do something nice and make some money too.


Well-Known Member
Hay I'm not a smoker. I grow for others. I make me butter so I eat it ( arthritis, spinal damage, and insomnia). Also make tincture for my uncle with ms. But I grow for others that smoke or vap. But that was my reason so I do the best I can. I got resipice mom might like.

But without the med law behind you it's better to to 2 or 3 plants under 100 extra electric. Mom will never use the full force of your first grow.

Be safe not stupid.


Well-Known Member
If it is realy for mom and not the grow hit me up in PM. I can tell you how to get her meds off 1 plant. Without the state med law behind you you are asking for major time doing this. I'm in Cali and 6 years of it being legal I still did 9 mounths fighting the case. But I had prop 215 behind me. I still grow and looking at 4 years if I get cought out of med spec. Didn't realize your not a med state. I would of never told you how to do that big of a grow. Grow 1 plant and make the meds but be a activist and help get the law passed. We are 1/3 there we just need 50% to get on fed ballot. Please be safe!!! I'm not saying I wont help but I'm gonna advice you on air of coustion.


Active Member
I'm not sure if my mom will even want it. I just figured I would in case she wanted it. I then thought if she didn't I could sell to some friends and stuff and make extra money. I own my house and live alone and plan on using a generator half the time to the elec company doesn't inform police so I am taking precautions. Thank you for the concern though I appreciate it all really I do.


Well-Known Member
Still your looking at 2.5 LB a harvest. Don't let money clog your judgement. IMO this is to big for a non med state. Better off doing a garlla grow. That way you can say you where just walking by.


Well-Known Member
Do you relize in a non med state you are better off having 3 LB of coke then 3 LB of weed? Same time but you have someone you can rat on if needed.