New Grower Needing Assistants

haha. I figure we are having a conversation, I'm pretty sure its nitrogen deficiency. Because all the signs point to that from what I have been reading on it.

day 25



Active Member
i definately like the improvements you've made over your last grow...if you don't mind, what kind of soil are you using?
I really don't know the name all i know is it is just potting soil from Walmart. I want to get fox farm ocean forest though and I also really need to get my ass over to the store for some nitrogen tabs for my plants, and take down the foil from the lights and make that white. I want to paint my walls a better white and get some vents going but this grow might be moving soon. Ill update tonight with more photos she has grown a lot and is a female no balllllls
day 34

temps look good, took out the foil finally since I had gotten some time today. Also I need to look up and see if my lights being so far away is okay for the plant.. my gf's dad told me to raise it but I don't know if I should. And in the 3rd photo I circled some spots I saw on my plant I think that was from the foil burning the leaves as hankdank told me earlier do get rid of.



Active Member
if you could do something to keep your temps down, then you could definately lower your light! i use a 1000 watt, and man, i keep it about 12 inches's always a battle with temps though, isn't it?!

i personally wouldn't worry about those little spots in your third picture, if you worry about every little spots that appears on a leaf, there's a good chance you could overdo yourself into an even worse situation...i mean, shit happens, you know? say you're watering, and a few drops land on a leaf, you're probably gonna get some spots happening there...if multiple leaves, or a big chunk of your plant starts doing something, then it's time to worry...

really though, i know i've said it before, but this grow is definately a vast improvement over your last one, kudos! subbed btw
day 40

temp looking good plant too! I got my temps to stay at 77-79 degrees, I need to do more research on flowering and when i should switch over to 12/12 i veg for over a month now



Active Member
the choice is yours on when to switch over, hell you can even grow 12/12 from seed!

i usually let mine go about 2 months before throwing them into flower;
the longer they're in veg-the larger the plant-the more robust the root system-the greater the yield!
Thanks for the tips guys, I took down all the foil and put in white paper till i get paint and I figured I needed more light I'm going to be making something so i can have 2 for bulbs on the side of the plant as well. I have a few other bulbs that I had gotten when I first started but I might look on ebay again for a few more :)
day 48

temps are good I need more light I have one light sitting down lower till I get paid so I can make something for the lights to sit in! haha I know ghetto rig.
day 54

temps still holding strong at 77 to 80 degree with humidity of 44-50. I'm going to be switching them over to twice twice as soon as its planted into the big with buckets. I'm rigging more lights for flowering and for veg.

day 59

I transplanted my baby into a bigger bucket I'm going to the hardware store to get more lights and stuff since its a monster now. I've also switched to 12/12 should be good Now im reading up on flowering and curing so I can get the stuff done right. I will also stop posting crappy cell phone pictures from now on too. Ill be using my canon rebel xti.

Also is this yellowing at the end of my leaves coming from nitrogen deficiency? I've been trying to find info on here about that and that's really the only answer I can come up with since I don't use tap water so my plant has the right minerals and all.
