New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking absolutely amazing. Really strong looking plant you have there. Looks like a female to me. Keep up the good work man.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah latex gloves would definitely be good, but if u dont have them, i just wash my hands good before...but tehy are def a nice touch if u can get ur hands on them, or should i say in them...yeah man that 3 gallon should do unless she grows to be like 7-8 feet tall...and considering the bushiness i doubt ur gonna have to worry bout that...anyway hope that transplant went well...if it slows growth for a day or two dont worry but i wouldnt count on that happenin...i think you leave the old leaves on as long as possible, just let them fall off if they are that dead u know...i guess cutting them could stunt the plant because leaves are where they do the most prayin for a girl man! we'll have to get out the cigars with the pink paper wrapped around them...then immediately un-wrap, split, and fill with the fruits of the baby girl! :-D


Well-Known Member
Yeah well silky she turned around looks like aton of growth in the past 2-3 days and i didn't transplant....I will post pics of this tommorow but it looks like there is a white hair or tow growing out of the top...I don't that it isn't a hair but it looks cool....I am still waiting to put into flowering...Tommorow will be 5 weeks of veg for the new growth.....I can't put into flowering untill my fiances brother leaves so i can use that closet for flowering cause my closet isn't light tight...There are a ton of light leaks...But if he dosen't leave in a week what is the longest i can veg my plant with a healthy flowering period??? I know you can veg for as long as you want but will it hurt my plant in the long run???

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i havent heard anything against long veg periods...i think all it can do is make the plant bigger/ ur case, if its gonna be an extra week or two max, i can only help, and there is NO chance that it will hurt her...i mean see if anybody else disagrees, but i would say that up to 8 weeks of veg would only make it heartier...


Well-Known Member
Sorry for all they typing....I went to the hydro store yesterday and picked up some jamaican bat guano 2-10-1 i think....I watered with it last night....So i decided to use a cardboard box because the closet where my lights are isn't at all light leak proof....So i'm gonna have to everyday take my plant out of the closet and put the box ontop of it....I was gonna use a RM tub but i have a ton of boxes around my house....I can't wait to start seeing the growth really pick up...I am going to use 4 23watt 2700k over top and a 42 watt and another 23watt for side growth....Anyone have any comments or advise on my really ghetto flowering chamber...Also should i have a fan blowing on the plant when it's in the box????

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
ya that was my main concern u gotta keep that air flowing...hey since snyder seems like he knows...if i have a fan running in the closet, facing the corner so it isnt directly hitting on the plant but u can see some of the outside fan leaves catching some wind...AND THE DOOR this okay or will this hurt the plant? i usually open the door anytime i am here but at night if im on the computer i dont wanna let light in so i shut the door but keep the fan on...there is about a half inch space at the bottom of the door between it and the floor so i figure that cna get new air in and that okay to do?

basically: fan in closet with plant with door shut - okay or bad?


Well-Known Member
Any air movement is good air movement in my book. I did exactly what you're doing with my plant at seedling and the first week or 2 of veg and you can see my results. I say until signs show otherwise you are fine.


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted on here in a while been busy with my workers comp case....I put my plant into flowering on monday....Couple of problems with the cheap timer i got....And yesterday my lights kinda slid down and burned some of the new growth...Not to bad but i was pissed....It's looking good though i will post pics later....I trimed alot of the big fan leaves that didn't look healthy...Also i took some yarn and i'm pulling the 2 sides apart so that the growth on the inside can get more light some of the new leaves started to look sad but now there looking good again..This thing is a fucking bush....Oh yeah and i am pretty sure its a girl...There are 2 pistles comming out of almost all the nodes....I'll take a close up when i take the pics...