New growth on dead plant!!!


Well-Known Member
Ohh really!! HA....What do u think though...Major problem or just me being uptight?? Is there anything to get more magnesium in it??

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
that magnesium is a hard thing ot come by for addition because of deficiency...they look good tho...real strong looking...i cant BELIEVE how wide the plant is lol thats great...i am gonna have some pics up tonight of mine, i just did surgery to remove the parts the died from the stalk break, cut the stalk just above where it broke then covered it so air couldnt get its got like 4 main stems, two of which are thriving the others just normal...


Well-Known Member
One other thing some of the very bottom leaves are starting to die and the tips...Drying out and falling off....I think its beacause there not getting any light because of the plant being so bushy...Should i trim those leaves off so the plant dosen't use excess energy on leaves that are gonna die already...


Well-Known Member
Silky i really wanna see those pics...I hope every thing works out with your plant...Your plant sounds like it's had just as many as mine....But hey if mine died completely then yours will turn around...


Well-Known Member
One other thing some of the very bottom leaves are starting to die and the tips...Drying out and falling off....I think its beacause there not getting any light because of the plant being so bushy...Should i trim those leaves off so the plant dosen't use excess energy on leaves that are gonna die already...

that would be a wise choice young skywalker,use the force and snip those leaves


Well-Known Member
Yeah...ok i'll do it when i water...Also what about my bat guano?? Should i use it everytime i water or do it every other time or not even that much?>??


Well-Known Member
Yeah...ok i'll do it when i water...Also what about my bat guano?? Should i use it everytime i water or do it every other time or not even that much?>??

do it a few hours before watering so it will heal quick and not bleed out.

guano idk,i dont use it.

stop by my grow and learn,its all about timing to get the plant to react the way u want it to react.


Active Member
id try to keep it alive my wife ripped all my stuff up and i might have 1 or more trying to live it kills me to see mother nature die


Well-Known Member
O.k so i'm thinking about putting it into flower on the 25th which is tuesday....Do u think this is a good idea....It's now almost 11ich tall and 13 ich long....Also if i put it into flowering when should i start the bloom nutes or flowering nutes???? I think i might stick with the bat guano i think i'm gonna use the Indonesian Bat Guano (0.5-12-0.2) or should i go with the Jamaican Bat Guano (1-10-0.2)???


Well-Known Member
I would use the Indonesian Guano. The higher P value will help with fattening up the buds. I would start adding nutes when it shows signs of a female sex. No need to waste them on a male plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man but i don't know if you can see it in the pic but it really looks like there are 2 pistols there....I'll try to ms paint them and circle them....


Well-Known Member
I know what your talking bout. I dont know what those things are called but I know that its to early man.